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Effects of climate on soil phosphorus cycle and availability in natural terrestrial ecosystems E Hou, C Chen, Y Luo, G Zhou, Y Kuang, Y Zhang, M Heenan, X Lu, ... Global change biology 24 (8), 3344-3356, 2018 | 302 | 2018 |
Litterfall production along successional and altitudinal gradients of subtropical monsoon evergreen broadleaved forests in Guangdong, China G Zhou, L Guan, X Wei, D Zhang, Q Zhang, J Yan, D Wen, J Liu, S Liu, ... Plant Ecology 188, 77-89, 2007 | 198 | 2007 |
Altitudinal patterns and controls of plant and soil nutrient concentrations and stoichiometry in subtropical China X He, E Hou, Y Liu, D Wen Scientific reports 6 (1), 24261, 2016 | 185 | 2016 |
Anthropogenic imprints on nitrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation nitrate in a nitrogen-polluted city in southern China YT Fang, K Koba, XM Wang, DZ Wen, J Li, Y Takebayashi, XY Liu, M Yoh Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (3), 1313-1325, 2011 | 160 | 2011 |
Concentrations of heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in needles of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana L.) growing nearby different industrial sources F Sun, D Wen, Y Kuang, J Li, J Li, W Zuo Journal of Environmental Sciences 22 (7), 1006-1013, 2010 | 111 | 2010 |
Latitudinal patterns of terrestrial phosphorus limitation over the globe E Hou, D Wen, L Jiang, X Luo, Y Kuang, X Lu, C Chen, KT Allen, X He, ... Ecology Letters 24 (7), 1420-1431, 2021 | 96 | 2021 |
A structural equation model analysis of phosphorus transformations in global unfertilized and uncultivated soils E Hou, C Chen, Y Kuang, Y Zhang, M Heenan, D Wen Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30 (9), 1300-1309, 2016 | 94 | 2016 |
Long-term tree growth rate, water use efficiency, and tree ring nitrogen isotope composition of Pinus massoniana L. in response to global climate change and local … F Sun, Y Kuang, D Wen, Z Xu, J Li, W Zuo, E Hou Journal of Soils and Sediments 10, 1453-1465, 2010 | 88 | 2010 |
Phosphatase activity in relation to key litter and soil properties in mature subtropical forests in China E Hou, C Chen, D Wen, X Liu Science of the total environment 515, 83-91, 2015 | 86 | 2015 |
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A global dataset of plant available and unavailable phosphorus in natural soils derived by Hedley method E Hou, X Tan, M Heenan, D Wen Scientific Data 5 (1), 1-13, 2018 | 83 | 2018 |
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Soil pH predominantly controls the forms of organic phosphorus in topsoils under natural broadleaved forests along a 2500 km latitudinal gradient E Hou, D Wen, Y Kuang, J Cong, C Chen, X He, M Heenan, H Lu, ... Geoderma 315, 65-74, 2018 | 79 | 2018 |
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Mycorrhizal fungi and phosphatase involvement in rhizosphere phosphorus transformations improves plant nutrition during subtropical forest succession Y Liu, G Zhang, X Luo, E Hou, M Zheng, L Zhang, X He, W Shen, D Wen Soil Biology and Biochemistry 153, 108099, 2021 | 76 | 2021 |
Soil potential labile but not occluded phosphorus forms increase with forest succession H Zhang, L Shi, D Wen, K Yu Biology and fertility of soils 52, 41-51, 2016 | 75 | 2016 |
30 种园林植物对短期大气污染的生理生态反应 温达志, 孔国辉, 张德强, 彭长连, 张瑞凤, 黎旭 植物生态学报 27 (003), 311-317, 2003 | 74 | 2003 |
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