Jon Clare
Jon Clare
Professor of Power Electronics, Nottingham University
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Doubly fed induction generator using back-to-back PWM converters and its application to variable-speed wind-energy generation
R Pena, JC Clare, GM Asher
IEE Proceedings-Electric power applications 143 (3), 231-241, 1996
Matrix converters: A technology review
PW Wheeler, J Rodriguez, JC Clare, L Empringham, A Weinstein
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 49 (2), 276-288, 2002
A doubly fed induction generator using back-to-back PWM converters supplying an isolated load from a variable speed wind turbine
R Pena, JC Clare, GM Asher
IEE Proceedings-Electric Power Applications 143 (5), 380-387, 1996
Advanced power electronic conversion and control system for universal and flexible power management
S Bifaretti, P Zanchetta, A Watson, L Tarisciotti, JC Clare
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2 (2), 231-243, 2011
Open-circuit fault detection and isolation for modular multilevel converter based on sliding mode observer
S Shao, PW Wheeler, JC Clare, AJ Watson
2013 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), 1-9, 2013
Technological issues and industrial application of matrix converters: A review
L Empringham, JW Kolar, J Rodriguez, PW Wheeler, JC Clare
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (10), 4260-4271, 2012
Conducted electromagnetic emissions in induction motor drive systems. I. Time domain analysis and identification of dominant modes
L Ran, S Gokani, J Clare, KJ Bradley, C Christopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 13 (4), 757-767, 1998
Control of a switched reluctance generator for variable-speed wind energy applications
R Cardenas, R Pena, M Perez, J Clare, G Asher, P Wheeler
IEEE transactions on Energy conversion 20 (4), 781-791, 2005
MRAS observer for sensorless control of standalone doubly fed induction generators
R Cardenas, R Pena, J Proboste, G Asher, J Clare
IEEE Transactions on Energy conversion 20 (4), 710-718, 2005
Modulated model predictive control for a three-phase active rectifier
L Tarisciotti, P Zanchetta, A Watson, JC Clare, M Degano, S Bifaretti
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (2), 1610-1620, 2014
Sensorless control of doubly-fed induction generators using a rotor-current-based MRAS observer
R Pena, R Cardenas, J Proboste, G Asher, J Clare
IEEE Transactions on Industrial electronics 55 (1), 330-339, 2008
MRAS observers for sensorless control of doubly-fed induction generators
R Cárdenas, R Peña, J Clare, G Asher, J Proboste
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 23 (3), 1075-1084, 2008
Control of offshore DFIG-based wind farm grid with line-commutated HVDC connection
SV Bozhko, R Blasco-Gimenez, R Li, JC Clare, GM Asher
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 22 (1), 71-78, 2007
Modulated model predictive control for a seven-level cascaded H-bridge back-to-back converter
L Tarisciotti, P Zanchetta, A Watson, S Bifaretti, JC Clare
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 61 (10), 5375-5383, 2014
Conducted electromagnetic emissions in induction motor drive systems. II. Frequency domain models
L Ran, S Gokani, J Clare, KJ Bradley, C Christopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 13 (4), 768-776, 1998
A complete harmonic elimination approach to DC link voltage balancing for a cascaded multilevel rectifier
AJ Watson, PW Wheeler, JC Clare
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (6), 2946-2953, 2007
A 150-kVA vector-controlled matrix converter induction motor drive
TF Podlesak, DC Katsis, PW Wheeler, JC Clare, L Empringham, M Bland
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 41 (3), 841-847, 2005
Robustness analysis and experimental validation of a fault detection and isolation method for the modular multilevel converter
S Shao, AJ Watson, JC Clare, PW Wheeler
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (5), 3794-3805, 2015
Power smoothing in wind generation systems using a sensorless vector controlled induction machine driving a flywheel
R Cárdenas, R Peña, G Asher, J Clare
IEEE transactions on energy conversion 19 (1), 206-216, 2004
Dynamic emulation of mechanical loads using a vector-controlled induction motor-generator set
ZH Akpolat, GM Asher, JC Clare
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 46 (2), 370-379, 1999
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Articles 1–20