Lawrence H. Snyder
Lawrence H. Snyder
Professor of Neurobiology, Washington University at St. Louis
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Cited by
Intrinsic functional architecture in the anaesthetized monkey brain
JL Vincent, GH Patel, MD Fox, AZ Snyder, JT Baker, DC Van Essen, ...
Nature 447 (7140), 83-86, 2007
Multimodal representation of space in the posterior parietal cortex and its use in planning movements
RA Andersen, LH Snyder, DC Bradley, J Xing
Annual review of neuroscience 20 (1), 303-330, 1997
Coding of intention in the posterior parietal cortex
LH Snyder, AP Batista, RA Andersen
Nature 386 (6621), 167-170, 1997
Stimulus onset quenches neural variability: a widespread cortical phenomenon
MM Churchland, BM Yu, JP Cunningham, LP Sugrue, MR Cohen, ...
Nature neuroscience 13 (3), 369-378, 2010
Reach plans in eye-centered coordinates
AP Batista, CA Buneo, LH Snyder, RA Andersen
Science 285 (5425), 257-260, 1999
Separate body-and world-referenced representations of visual space in parietal cortex
LH Snyder, KL Grieve, P Brotchie, RA Andersen
Nature 394 (6696), 887-891, 1998
Head position signals used by parietal neurons to encode locations of visual stimuli
PR Brotchie, RA Andersen, LH Snyder, SJ Goodman
Nature 375 (6528), 232-235, 1995
Computational approaches to sensorimotor transformations
A Pouget, LH Snyder
Nature neuroscience 3 (11), 1192-1198, 2000
Intention-related activity in the posterior parietal cortex: a review
LH Snyder, AP Batista, RA Andersen
Vision research 40 (10-12), 1433-1441, 2000
Coordinate transformations in the representation of spatial information
RA Andersen, LH Snyder, CS Li, B Stricanne
Current opinion in neurobiology 3 (2), 171-176, 1993
Non-spatial, motor-specific activation in posterior parietal cortex
JL Calton, AR Dickinson, LH Snyder
Nature neuroscience 5 (6), 580-588, 2002
Single neurons in posterior parietal cortex of monkeys encode cognitive set
G Stoet, LH Snyder
Neuron 42 (6), 1003-1012, 2004
Movement intention is better predicted than attention in the posterior parietal cortex
RQ Quiroga, LH Snyder, AP Batista, H Cui, RA Andersen
Journal of neuroscience 26 (13), 3615-3620, 2006
Coordinate transformations for eye and arm movements in the brain
LH Snyder
Current opinion in neurobiology 10 (6), 747-754, 2000
Spontaneous infra-slow brain activity has unique spatiotemporal dynamics and laminar structure
A Mitra, A Kraft, P Wright, B Acland, AZ Snyder, Z Rosenthal, ...
Neuron 98 (2), 297-305. e6, 2018
Change in motor plan, without a change in the spatial locus of attention, modulates activity in posterior parietal cortex
LH Snyder, AP Batista, RA Andersen
Journal of neurophysiology 79 (5), 2814-2819, 1998
Effect of viewing distance and location of the axis of head rotation on the monkey's vestibuloocular reflex. I. Eye movement responses
LH Snyder, WM King
Journal of Neurophysiology 67 (4), 861-874, 1992
Eye-hand coordination: saccades are faster when accompanied by a coordinated arm movement
LH Snyder, JL Calton, AR Dickinson, BM Lawrence
Journal of neurophysiology 87 (5), 2279-2286, 2002
Saccade-related activity in the parietal reach region
LH Snyder, AP Batista, RA Andersen
Journal of Neurophysiology 83 (2), 1099-1102, 2000
Posterior parietal areas specialized for eye movements (LIP) and reach (PRR) using a common coordinate frame
RA Andersen, LH Snyder, AP Batista, CA Buneo, YE Cohen
Novartis Foundation Symposium 218‐Sensory Guidance of Movement: Sensory …, 2007
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