Mabrouk Abaza
Mabrouk Abaza
Hydrologist, Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal
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Cited by
Why should ensemble spread match the RMSE of the ensemble mean?
V Fortin, M Abaza, F Anctil, R Turcotte
Journal of Hydrometeorology 15 (4), 1708-1713, 2014
Sequential streamflow assimilation for short-term hydrological ensemble forecasting
M Abaza, F Anctil, V Fortin, R Turcotte
Journal of Hydrology 519, 2692-2706, 2014
Exploration of sequential streamflow assimilation in snow dominated watersheds
M Abaza, F Anctil, V Fortin, R Turcotte
Advances in water resources 86, 414-424, 2015
A comparison of the Canadian global and regional meteorological ensemble prediction systems for short-term hydrological forecasting
M Abaza, F Anctil, V Fortin, R Turcotte
Monthly Weather Review 141 (10), 3462-3476, 2013
Comparison of sequential and variational streamflow assimilation techniques for short-term hydrological forecasting
M Abaza, C Garneau, F Anctil
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 20 (2), 04014042, 2015
On the incidence of meteorological and hydrological processors: Effect of resolution, sharpness and reliability of hydrological ensemble forecasts
M Abaza, F Anctil, V Fortin, L Perreault
Journal of Hydrology 555, 371-384, 2017
Hydrological evaluation of the Canadian meteorological ensemble reforecast product
M Abaza, F Anctil, V Fortin, L Perreault
Atmosphere-Ocean 55 (3), 195-211, 2017
A comparison of the Canadian global and regional meteorological ensemble prediction systems for short-term hydrological forecasting (vol 141, pg 3462, 2013)
M Abaza, F Anctil, V Fortin, R Turcotte
Monthly Weather Review 142 (7), 2561-2562, 2014
CORRIGENDUM: Why Should Ensemble Spread Match the RMSE of the Ensemble Mean?
V Fortin, M Abaza, F Anctil, R Turcotte
Journal of Hydrometeorology 16 (1), 484-484, 2015
Assessing 32-Day hydrological ensemble forecasts in the Lake Champlain–Richelieu River watershed
M Abaza, V Fortin, É Gaborit, S Bélair, C Garnaud
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 25 (10), 04020045, 2020
Exploration opérationnelle de la prévision hydrologique d'ensemble avec assimilation automatique de données
M Abaza
Post-processing of Canadian ensemble meteorological forecasts by exploiting the recent reforecasting product over a 32-day forecast horizon
M Abaza, F Anctil, V Fortin, L Perreault
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Articles 1–12