Nils Odebo Länk
Nils Odebo Länk
PhD, Data Scientist, Volvo Group Connected Solutions
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Large-scale silicon nanophotonic metasurfaces with polarization independent near-perfect absorption
N Odebo Länk, R Verre, P Johansson, M Kall
Nano letters 17 (5), 3054-3060, 2017
Plasmonic versus all-dielectric nanoantennas for refractometric sensing: A direct comparison
N Bosio, H Šípová-Jungová, NO Länk, TJ Antosiewicz, R Verre, ...
Acs Photonics 6 (6), 1556-1564, 2019
Polarization conversion-based molecular sensing using anisotropic plasmonic metasurfaces
R Verre, N Maccaferri, K Fleischer, M Svedendahl, N Odebo Länk, ...
Nanoscale 8 (20), 10576-10581, 2016
Circular dichroism mode splitting and bounds to its enhancement with cavity-plasmon-polaritons
DG Baranov, B Munkhbat, NO Länk, R Verre, M Käll, T Shegai
Nanophotonics 9 (2), 283-293, 2020
Metasurfaces and colloidal suspensions composed of 3D chiral Si nanoresonators
R Verre, L Shao, N Odebo Länk, P Karpinski, AB Yankovich, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (29), 1701352, 2017
Probing photothermal effects on optically trapped gold nanorods by simultaneous plasmon spectroscopy and brownian dynamics analysis
D Andrén, L Shao, N Odebo Länk, SS Aćimović, P Johansson, M Käll
ACS nano 11 (10), 10053-10061, 2017
Directional light extinction and emission in a metasurface of tilted plasmonic nanopillars
R Verre, M Svedendahl, N Odebo Länk, ZJ Yang, G Zengin, ...
Nano letters 16 (1), 98-104, 2015
Directional scattering and multipolar contributions to optical forces on silicon nanoparticles in focused laser beams
N Odebo Länk, P Johansson, M Käll
Optics Express 26 (22), 29074-29085, 2018
Large‐Scale Fabrication of Shaped High Index Dielectric Nanoparticles on a Substrate and in Solution
R Verre, N Odebo Länk, D Andrén, H Šípová, M Käll
Advanced Optical Materials 6 (7), 1701253, 2018
Photothermal DNA release from laser-tweezed individual gold nanomotors driven by photon angular momentum
H Sipova, L Shao, N Odebo Länk, D Andrén, M Käll
Acs Photonics 5 (6), 2168-2175, 2018
Solar harvesting based on perfect absorbing all-dielectric nanoresonators on a mirror
R Vismara, N Odebo Länk, R Verre, M Käll, O Isabella, M Zeman
Optics Express 27 (16), A967-A980, 2019
Surface interactions of gold nanoparticles optically trapped against an interface
D Andrén, N Odebo Länk, H Sipova-Jungova, S Jones, P Johansson, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (26), 16406-16414, 2019
Optical tweezing and photothermal properties of resonant dielectric and metallic nanospheres
N Odebo Länk, P Johansson, M Kall
ACS Photonics 7 (9), 2405-2412, 2020
Electromagnetic energy distribution in resonant quasi porous silicon nanostructures
N Odebo Länk, M Käll, TJ Antosiewicz
ACS Photonics 6 (7), 1706-1714, 2019
Antenna-enhanced fluorescence correlation spectroscopy resolves calcium-mediated lipid–lipid interactions
S Block, SS Aćimović, N Odebo Länk, M Käll, F Höök
ACS nano 12 (4), 3272-3279, 2018
Optimization of resonant all-dielectric nanoparticles for optical manipulation and light management
N Odebo Länk
Chalmers University of Technology, 2019
Thin-Film Amorphous Silicon Nanopillar Solar Cells: An Investigation of the Optical Potential
R Vismara, N Odebo Länk, R Verre, M Käll, O Isabella, M Zeman
Optical Nanostructures and Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics, PM3A. 3, 2017
Optical Forces and the First Kerker Condition
N Odebo Länk, P Johansson, M Käll
Optical Manipulation and Its Applications, AT3E. 4, 2019
High index dielectric metasurfaces and colloidal solutions: from fabrication to application
R Verre, N Odebo Länk, D Andrén, H Šípová, M Käll
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1092 (1), 012158, 2018
Nanostructured electromagnetic metasurfaces at optical frequencies
N Odebo Länk
Chalmers University of Technology, 2016
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Articles 1–20