Ian J. Bateman
Ian J. Bateman
Professor of Environmental Economics, LEEP, Department of Economics, University of Exeter Business
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Economic valuation with stated preference techniques: a manual
IJ Bateman
Edward Elgar, 2002
Sustainable intensification in agriculture: premises and policies
T Garnett, MC Appleby, A Balmford, IJ Bateman, TG Benton, P Bloomer, ...
Science 341 (6141), 33-34, 2013
Environmental economics: an elementary introduction
RK Turner, DW Pearce, I Bateman
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993
Bringing ecosystem services into economic decision-making: land use in the United Kingdom
IJ Bateman, AR Harwood, GM Mace, RT Watson, DJ Abson, B Andrews, ...
science 341 (6141), 45-50, 2013
Natural capital and ecosystem services informing decisions: From promise to practice
AD Guerry, S Polasky, J Lubchenco, R Chaplin-Kramer, GC Daily, ...
Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences 112 (24), 7348-7355, 2015
Valuing environmental preferences: theory and practice of the contingent valuation method in the US, EU, and developing countries
I Bateman, KG Willis
Oxford University Press, USA, 2001
Economic analysis for ecosystem service assessments
IJ Bateman, GM Mace, C Fezzi, G Atkinson, RK Turner
Valuing Ecosystem Services, 23-77, 2014
Valuation of the environment, methods and techniques: the contingent valuation method
IJ Bateman, RK Turner
Sustainable environmental economics and management: principles and practice …, 1993
The aggregation of environmental benefit values: welfare measures, distance decay and total WTP
IJ Bateman, BH Day, S Georgiou, I Lake
Ecological economics 60 (2), 450-460, 2006
Tocilizumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial
O Abani, A Abbas, F Abbas, M Abbas, S Abbasi, H Abbass, A Abbott, ...
The Lancet 397 (10285), 1637-1645, 2021
A test of the theory of reference-dependent preferences
I Bateman, A Munro, B Rhodes, C Starmer, R Sugden
The quarterly journal of economics 112 (2), 479-505, 1997
A meta-analysis of wetland contingent valuation studies
R Brouwer, IH Langford, IJ Bateman, RK Turner
Regional Environmental Change 1, 47-57, 1999
UK National Ecosystem Assessment: understanding nature's value to society: synthesis of key findings
R Aspinall, M Austen, R Bardgett, I Bateman, P Berry, W Bird, R Bradbury, ...
Elicitation and truncation effects in contingent valuation studies
IJ Bateman, IH Langford, RK Turner, KG Willis, GD Garrod
Ecological economics 12 (2), 161-179, 1995
Using gross ecosystem product (GEP) to value nature in decision making
Z Ouyang, C Song, H Zheng, S Polasky, Y Xiao, IJ Bateman, J Liu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (25), 14593-14601, 2020
Non-users' willingness to pay for a National Park: an application and critique of the contingent valuation method
IJ Bateman, IH Langford
Regional studies 31 (6), 571-582, 1997
Reducing gain–loss asymmetry: a virtual reality choice experiment valuing land use change
IJ Bateman, BH Day, AP Jones, S Jude
Journal of environmental economics and management 58 (1), 106-118, 2009
Bound and path effects in double and triple bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation
IJ Bateman, IH Langford, AP Jones, GN Kerr
Resource and energy economics 23 (3), 191-213, 2001
Making benefit transfers work: deriving and testing principles for value transfers for similar and dissimilar sites using a case study of the non-market benefits of water …
IJ Bateman, R Brouwer, S Ferrini, M Schaafsma, DN Barton, A Dubgaard, ...
Environmental and Resource Economics 50, 365-387, 2011
Environmental carrying capacity and tourism development in the Maldives and Nepal
K Brown, RK Turner, H Hameed, IAN Bateman
Environmental Conservation 24 (4), 316-325, 1997
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Articles 1–20