Richard J Zamora
Cited by
Cited by
Quantum algorithm implementations for beginners
A Adedoyin, J Ambrosiano, P Anisimov, W Casper, G Chennupati, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03719, 2018
Quantum algorithm implementations for beginners
PJ Coles, S Eidenbenz, S Pakin, A Adedoyin, J Ambrosiano, P Anisimov, ...
arXiv, arXiv: 1804.03719, 2018
Investigation of crack tip dislocation emission in aluminum using multiscale molecular dynamics simulation and continuum modeling
VI Yamakov, DH Warner, RJ Zamora, E Saether, WA Curtin, ...
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 65, 35-53, 2014
The modern temperature-accelerated dynamics approach
RJ Zamora, BP Uberuaga, D Perez, AF Voter
Annual review of chemical and biomolecular engineering 7 (1), 87-110, 2016
Ab initio prediction of environmental embrittlement at a crack tip in aluminum
RJ Zamora, AK Nair, RG Hennig, DH Warner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (6), 060101, 2012
Evidence for percolation diffusion of cations and reordering in disordered pyrochlore from accelerated molecular dynamics
R Perriot, BP Uberuaga, RJ Zamora, D Perez, AF Voter
Nature communications 8 (1), 618, 2017
Illuminating the chemo-mechanics of hydrogen enhanced fatigue crack growth in aluminum alloys
RJ Zamora, KL Baker, DH Warner
Acta Materialia 100, 232-239, 2015
Discrete event performance prediction of speculatively parallel temperature-accelerated dynamics
RJ Zamora, AF Voter, D Perez, N Santhi, SM Mniszewski, S Thulasidasan, ...
Simulation 92 (12), 1065-1086, 2016
Lightweight software process improvement using productivity and sustainability improvement planning (PSIP)
MA Heroux, E Gonsiorowski, R Gupta, R Milewicz, JD Moulton, ...
Tools and Techniques for High Performance Computing: Selected Workshops …, 2020
The effects of cation–anion clustering on defect migration in MgAl 2 O 4
RJ Zamora, AF Voter, D Perez, R Perriot, BP Uberuaga
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (29), 19647-19654, 2016
Accelerated molecular dynamics methods in a massively parallel world
RJ Zamora, D Perez, E Martinez, BP Uberuaga, AF Voter
Handbook of Materials Modeling: Methods: Theory and Modeling, 745-772, 2020
Quantum algorithm implementations for beginners (2018)
PJ Coles, S Eidenbenz, S Pakin, A Adedoyin, J Ambrosiano, P Anisimov, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03719, 1804
Performance Prediction Toolkit (PPT). Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
G Chennupati, N Santhi, S Eidenbenz, RJ Zerr, M Rosa, RJ Zamora, ...
Quantum algorithm implementations for beginners, 2018
J Abhijith, A Adedoyin, J Ambrosiano, P Anisimov, A Bärtschi, W Casper, ...
URL https://arxiv. org/abs, 1804
Quantum Algorithm Implementations for Beginners. CoRR abs/1804.03719 (2018)
PJ Coles, S Eidenbenz, S Pakin, A Adedoyin, J Ambrosiano, PM Anisimov, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03719, 2018
Speculation and replication in temperature accelerated dynamics
RJ Zamora, D Perez, AF Voter
Journal of materials research 33 (7), 823-834, 2018
Performance prediction toolkit
G Chennupati, C Hannon, N Santhi, S Eidenbenz, R Zerr, M Rosa, ...
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2017
Performing density-functional tight-binding calculations with LAMMPS and the LATTE library
CFA Negre, P Steve, MJ Cawkwell, RT Perriot, NF Aguirre Castiblanco, ...
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2017
Codesign Performance Prediction for Computational Physics 3rd Year Review Overview talk
SJ Eidenbenz, RJ Zerr
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2017
Evidence for percolation diffusion of cations and material recovery in disordered pyrochlore from accelerated molecular dynamics simulations
R Perriot, BP Uberuaga, RJ Zamora, D Perez, AF Voter
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.07101, 2016
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Articles 1–20