Jeffrey Lusk
Jeffrey Lusk
Nebraska Game & Parks Commission & University of Nebraska, Lincoln
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Principles of Conservation Biology: Recommended Guidelines for Conservation Literacy from the Education Committee of the Society forConservation Biology*
SC Trombulak, KS Omland, JA Robinson, JJ Lusk, TL Fleischner, ...
Conservation Biology 18 (5), 1180-1190, 2004
Information theory in wildlife science: critique and viewpoint
FS Guthery, LA Brennan, MJ Peterson, JJ Lusk
Journal of Wildlife Management 69 (2), 457-465, 2005
Viability of northern bobwhite populations
FS Guthery, MJ Peterson, RR George
The Journal of wildlife management, 646-662, 2000
The roles of landscape context, niche breadth, and range boundaries in predicting species responses to habitat alteration
RK Swihart, JJ Lusk, JE Duchamp, CE Rizkalla, JE Moore
Diversity and Distributions 12 (3), 277-287, 2006
The fall of the null hypothesis: liabilities and opportunities
FS Guthery, JJ Lusk, MJ Peterson
The Journal of wildlife management 65 (3), 379-384, 2001
Factors influencing northern bobwhite nest-site selection and fate
JJ Lusk, SG Smith, SD Fuhlendorf, FS Guthery
Journal of Wildlife Management 70 (2), 564-571, 2006
Radiotelemetry studies: are we radio-handicapping northern bobwhites?
FS Guthery, JJ Lusk
Wildlife Society Bulletin 32 (1), 194-201, 2004
Survival and cause-specific mortality of northern bobwhites in western Oklahoma
SA Cox, AD Peoples, SJ DeMaso, JJ Lusk, FS Guthery
Journal of Wildlife Management 68 (3), 663-671, 2004
Relative abundance of bobwhites in relation to weather and land use
JJ Lusk, FS Guthery, RR George, MJ Peterson, SJ DeMaso
The Journal of wildlife management 66 (4), 1040-1051, 2002
Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) abundance in relation to yearly weather and long-term climate patterns
JJ Lusk, FS Guthery, SJ DeMaso
Ecological Modelling 146 (1-3), 3-15, 2001
Lark Sparrow (Chondestes grammacus) nest-site selection and success in a mixed-grass prairie
JJ Lusk, KS Wells, FS Guthery, SD Fuhlendorf
The Auk 120 (1), 120-129, 2003
Assessing landscape constraints on species abundance: does the neighborhood limit species response to local habitat conservation programs?
CF Jorgensen, LA Powell, JJ Lusk, AA Bishop, JJ Fontaine
PLoS One 9 (6), e99339, 2014
Greater prairie‐chicken nest success and habitat selection in southeastern Nebraska
TW Matthews, AJ Tyre, JS Taylor, JJ Lusk, LA Powell
The Journal of Wildlife Management 77 (6), 1202-1212, 2013
Survival and growth of northern bobwhite chicks in western Oklahoma
JJ Lusk, FS Guthery, SA Cox, SJ Demaso, AD Peoples
The American midland naturalist 153 (2), 389-395, 2005
Evidence for regionally synchronized cycles in Texas quail population dynamics
JJ Lusk, FS Guthery, MJ Peterson, SJ Demaso
Journal of Wildlife Management 71 (3), 837-843, 2007
Long-term agricultural land-use trends in Nebraska, 1866–2007
TL Hiller, LA Powell, TD McCoy, JJ Lusk
Great Plains Research 19 (2), 225-37, 2009
Identifying factors influencing hunter satisfaction across hunting activities in Nebraska
MP Gruntorad, JJ Lusk, MP Vrtiska, CJ Chizinski
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 25 (3), 215-231, 2020
Weather and age ratios of northern bobwhites in south Texas
FS Guthery, JJ Lusk, DR Synatzske, J Gallagher, SJ DeMaso
National Quail Symposium Proceedings 5 (1), 18, 2002
Habitat selection and brood survival of Greater Prairie-Chickens
TW Matthews, AJ Tyre, JS Taylor, JJ Lusk, LA Powell
Studies in Avian Biology 39, 179-191, 2011
Correlates of interspecific synchrony and interannual variation in seed production by deciduous trees
JJ Lusk, RK Swihart, JR Goheen
Forest Ecology and Management 242 (2-3), 656-670, 2007
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Articles 1–20