Naiara Rodriguez-Ezpeleta
Naiara Rodriguez-Ezpeleta
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Monophyly of primary photosynthetic eukaryotes: green plants, red algae, and glaucophytes
N Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, H Brinkmann, SC Burey, B Roure, G Burger, ...
Current biology 15 (14), 1325-1330, 2005
miRanalyzer: an update on the detection and analysis of microRNAs in high-throughput sequencing experiments
M Hackenberg, N Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, AM Aransay
Nucleic acids research 39 (suppl_2), W132-W138, 2011
Detecting and overcoming systematic errors in genome-scale phylogenies
N Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, H Brinkmann, B Roure, N Lartillot, BF Lang, ...
Systematic biology 56 (3), 389-399, 2007
Overview of integrative assessment of marine systems: the ecosystem approach in practice
A Borja, M Elliott, JH Andersen, T Berg, J Carstensen, BS Halpern, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 20, 2016
Genomics in marine monitoring: new opportunities for assessing marine health status
SJ Bourlat, A Borja, J Gilbert, MI Taylor, N Davies, SB Weisberg, JF Griffith, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 74 (1), 19-31, 2013
Phylogenomic evidence for separate acquisition of plastids in cryptophytes, haptophytes, and stramenopiles
D Baurain, H Brinkmann, J Petersen, N Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 27 (7), 1698-1709, 2010
Metabarcoding of marine zooplankton: prospects, progress and pitfalls
A Bucklin, PK Lindeque, N Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, A Albaina, M Lehtiniemi
Journal of Plankton Research 38 (3), 393-400, 2016
Benchmarking DNA metabarcoding for biodiversity-based monitoring and assessment
E Aylagas, Á Borja, X Irigoien, N Rodríguez-Ezpeleta
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 96, 2016
Implementing and innovating marine monitoring approaches for assessing marine environmental status
R Danovaro, L Carugati, M Berzano, AE Cahill, S Carvalho, A Chenuil, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 213, 2016
The ocean sampling day consortium
A Kopf, M Bicak, R Kottmann, J Schnetzer, I Kostadinov, K Lehmann, ...
Gigascience 4, 1-5, 2015
Toward resolving the eukaryotic tree: the phylogenetic positions of jakobids and cercozoans
N Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, H Brinkmann, G Burger, AJ Roger, MW Gray, ...
Current Biology 17 (16), 1420-1425, 2007
SCaFoS: a tool for selection, concatenation and fusion of sequences for phylogenomics
B Roure, N Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, H Philippe
BMC Evolutionary Biology 7, 1-12, 2007
Environmental status assessment using DNA metabarcoding: towards a genetics based marine biotic index (gAMBI)
E Aylagas, Á Borja, N Rodríguez-Ezpeleta
PloS one 9 (3), e90529, 2014
Whole Transcriptome Analysis of Acinetobacter baumannii Assessed by RNA-Sequencing Reveals Different mRNA Expression Profiles in Biofilm Compared to …
S Rumbo-Feal, MJ Gomez, C Gayoso, L Álvarez-Fraga, MP Cabral, ...
PloS one 8 (8), e72968, 2013
A bacterial community-based index to assess the ecological status of estuarine and coastal environments
E Aylagas, Á Borja, M Tangherlini, A Dell'Anno, C Corinaldesi, CT Michell, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 114 (2), 679-688, 2017
Adapting metabarcoding-based benthic biomonitoring into routine marine ecological status assessment networks
E Aylagas, Á Borja, I Muxika, N Rodríguez-Ezpeleta
Ecological Indicators 95, 194-202, 2018
Large-scale ocean connectivity and planktonic body size
E Villarino, JR Watson, B Jönsson, JM Gasol, G Salazar, SG Acinas, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 142, 2018
Identifying patterns of dispersal, connectivity and selection in the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, using RADseq‐derived SNPs
M Van Wyngaarden, PVR Snelgrove, C DiBacco, LC Hamilton, ...
Evolutionary Applications 10 (1), 102-117, 2017
Phylogenomic Analyses Support the Monophyly of Taphrinomycotina, including Schizosaccharomyces Fission Yeasts
Y Liu, JW Leigh, H Brinkmann, MT Cushion, N Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 26 (1), 27-34, 2009
Marine water environmental DNA metabarcoding provides a comprehensive fish diversity assessment and reveals spatial patterns in a large oceanic area
N Fraija‐Fernández, MC Bouquieaux, A Rey, I Mendibil, U Cotano, ...
Ecology and Evolution 10 (14), 7560-7584, 2020
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Articles 1–20