Shu Gao
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Cited by
Holocene development of the Yellow River's subaqueous delta, North Yellow Sea
JP Liu, JD Milliman, S Gao, P Cheng
Marine Geology 209, 45-67, 2004
Net sediment transport patterns inferred from grain-size trends, based upon definition of transport vectors
S Gao, M Collins
Sedimentary Geology 81, 1992
Socio-economic impacts on flooding: A 4000-year history of the Yellow River, China
Y Chen, JPM Syvitski, S Gao, I Overeem, AJ Kettner
Ambio 41, 682-698, 2012
Analysis of grain size trends, for defining sediment transport pathways in marine environments
S Gao, MB Collins
Journal of Coastal Research, 70-78, 1994
Sediment transport over an accretional intertidal flat with influences of reclamation, Jiangsu coast, China
YP Wang, S Gao, J Jia, CEL Thompson, J Gao, Y Yang
Marine Geology 291, 147-161, 2012
Holocene sedimentary systems on continental shelves
S Gao, MB Collins
Marine Geology 352, 268-294, 2014
Grain size trends associated with net sediment transport patterns: An example from the Belgian continental shelf
S Gao, MB Collins, J Lanckneus, G De Moor, V Van Lancker
Marine Geology 121 (3-4), 171-185, 1994
Fate of Sediments Delivered to the Sea by Asian Large Rivers
JP Liu, Z Xue, K Ross, HJ Wang, ZS Yang, AC Li, S Gao
The Sedimentary Record 7 (4), 4-9, 2009
A critique of the" McLaren Method" for defining sediment transport paths; discussion and reply
S Gao, M Collins
Journal of Sedimentary Research 61 (1), 1991
Anthropogenic, direct pressures on coastal wetlands
A Newton, J Icely, S Cristina, GME Perillo, RE Turner, D Ashan, S Cragg, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 144, 2020
Changes in water and sediment exchange between the Changjiang River and Poyang Lake under natural and anthropogenic conditions, China
JH Gao, J Jia, AJ Kettner, F Xing, YP Wang, XN Xu, Y Yang, XQ Zou, ...
Science of the total environment 481, 542-553, 2014
The Shandong mud wedge and post-glacial sediment accumulation in the Yellow Sea
JP Liu, JD Milliman, S Gao
Geo-Marine Letters 21, 212-218, 2001
Exploring continental margin carbon fluxes on a global scale
KK Liu, L Atkinson, CTA Chen, S Gao, J Hall, RW Macdonald, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 81 (52), 641-644, 2000
Changes in material fluxes from the Changjiang River and their implications on the adjoining continental shelf ecosystem
S Gao, YP Wang
Continental Shelf Research 28 (12), 1490-1500, 2008
Last deglaciation in the Okinawa Trough: Subtropical northwest Pacific link to Northern Hemisphere and tropical climate
Y Sun, DW Oppo, R Xiang, W Liu, S Gao
Paleoceanography, 2005
A Fortran program for grain-size trend analysis to define net sediment transport pathways
S Gao
Computers & Geosciences 22 (4), 449-452, 1996
Net sediment transport patterns over the Bohai Strait based on grain size trend analysis
P Cheng, S Gao, H Bokuniewicz
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 60 (2), 203-212, 2004
Modeling the tidal channel morphodynamics in a macro-tidal embayment, Hangzhou Bay, China
D Xie, Z Wang, S Gao, HJ De Vriend
Continental Shelf Research 29 (15), 1757-1767, 2009
贾建军, 高抒, 薛允传
海洋与湖沼 33 (6), 577-582, 2002
Shifting perspectives on coastal impacts and adaptation
S Brown, RJ Nicholls, S Hanson, G Brundrit, JA Dearing, ME Dickson, ...
Nature Climate Change 4 (9), 752-755, 2014
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Articles 1–20