Kenneth M. Leber
Kenneth M. Leber
Emeritus Associate Vice President of Research, Mote Marine Laboratory
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Cited by
A responsible approach to marine stock enhancement
HL Blankenship, KM Leber
American Fisheries Society Symposium 15 (167475), 167-175, 1995
A new era for restocking, stock enhancement and sea ranching of coastal fisheries resources
JD Bell, KM Leber, HL Blankenship, NR Loneragan, R Masuda
Reviews in fisheries science 16 (1-3), 1-9, 2008
The influence of predatory decapods, refuge, and microhabitat selection on seagrass communities
KM Leber
Ecology 66 (6), 1951-1964, 1985
Responsible approach to marine stock enhancement: an update
K Lorenzen, KM Leber, HL Blankenship
Reviews in Fisheries Science 18 (2), 189-210, 2010
Fisheries enhancement and restoration in a changing world
MD Taylor, RC Chick, K Lorenzen, AL Agnalt, KM Leber, HL Blankenship, ...
Fisheries Research 186, 407-412, 2017
Seasonality of macroinvertebrates on a temperate, high wave energy sandy beach
KM Leber
Bulletin of Marine Science 32 (1), 86-98, 1982
Using experimental microcosms in shrimp research: the growth‐enhancing effect of shrimp pond water
KM Leber, GD Pruder
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 19 (4), 197-203, 1988
Stock enhancement and sea ranching: developments, pitfalls and opportunities
KM Leber, S Kitada, HL Blankenship, T Svasand
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
The relative enhancement of Penaeus vannamei growth by selected fractions of shrimp pond water
SM Moss, GD Pruder, KM Leber, JA Wyban
Aquaculture 101 (3-4), 229-239, 1992
An evaluation of coded wire and elastomer tag performance in juvenile common snook under field and laboratory conditions
NP Brennan, KM Leber, HL Blankenship, JM Ransier, R DeBruler Jr
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25 (2), 437-445, 2005
Significance of fish size‐at‐release on enhancement of striped mullet fisheries in Hawaii
KM Leber
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 26 (2), 143-153, 1995
Evolving context and maturing science: aquaculture-based enhancement and restoration enter the marine fisheries management toolbox
K Lorenzen, AL Agnalt, HL Blankenship, AH Hines, KM Leber, ...
Reviews in Fisheries Science 21 (3-4), 213-221, 2013
Rationale for an experimental approach to stock enhancement
KM Leber
Stock enhancement and sea ranching, 63-75, 1999
Predator-free enclosures improve post-release survival of stocked common snook
NP Brennan, MC Darcy, KM Leber
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 335 (2), 302-311, 2006
Marine enhancement with striped mullet: are hatchery releases replenishing or displacing wild stocks
KM Leber, NP Brennan, SM Arce
American Fisheries Society Symposium 15, 376-387, 1995
Recruitment patterns of cultured juvenile Pacific threadfin, Polydactylus sexfilis (Polynemidae), released along sandy marine shores in Hawaii
KM Leber, NP Brennan, SM Arce
Bulletin of Marine Science 62 (2), 389-408, 1998
Marine stock-enhancement potential in nursery habitats of striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, in Hawaii
KM Leber, SM Arce, DA Sterritt, NP Brennan
Fishery Bulletin 94 (3), 452-471, 1996
Influence of release season on size-dependent survival of cultured striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, in a Hawaiian estuary
KM Leber, HL Blankenship, SM Arce, NP Brennan
Fishery Bulletin 95 (2), 267-279, 1997
The spatial dimensions of fisheries: putting it all in place
K Lorenzen, RS Steneck, RR Warner, AM Parma, FC Coleman, KM Leber
Bulletin of Marine Science 86 (2), 169-177, 2010
Use of coded-wire and visible implant elastomer tags for marine stock enhancement with juvenile red snapper Lutjanus campechanus
NP Brennan, KM Leber, BR Blackburn
Fisheries Research 83 (1), 90-97, 2007
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Articles 1–20