Pouyan Boukany
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Cited by
Nanochannel electroporation delivers precise amounts of biomolecules into living cells
PE Boukany, A Morss, W Liao, B Henslee, HC Jung, X Zhang, B Yu, ...
Nature nanotechnology 6 (11), 747-754, 2011
New theoretical considerations in polymer rheology: Elastic breakdown of chain entanglement network
SQ Wang, S Ravindranath, Y Wang, P Boukany
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (6), 2007
Homogeneous shear, wall slip, and shear banding of entangled polymeric liquids in simple-shear rheometry: A roadmap of nonlinear rheology
SQ Wang, S Ravindranath, PE Boukany
Macromolecules 44 (2), 183-190, 2011
Nonquiescent relaxation in entangled polymer liquids after step shear
SQ Wang, S Ravindranath, P Boukany, M Olechnowicz, RP Quirk, ...
Physical review letters 97 (18), 187801, 2006
Elastic breakup in uniaxial extension of entangled polymer melts
Y Wang, P Boukany, SQ Wang, X Wang
Physical review letters 99 (23), 237801, 2007
Elastic instabilities during the flow of hydrolyzed polyacrylamide solution in porous media: effect of pore-shape and salt
D Kawale, E Marques, PLJ Zitha, MT Kreutzer, WR Rossen, PE Boukany
Soft matter 13 (4), 765-775, 2017
Use of particle-tracking velocimetry and flow birefringence to study nonlinear flow behavior of entangled wormlike micellar solution: From wall slip, bulk disentanglement to …
PE Boukany, SQ Wang
Macromolecules 41 (4), 1455-1464, 2008
Observations of wall slip and shear banding in an entangled DNA solution
PE Boukany, YT Hu, SQ Wang
Macromolecules 41 (7), 2644-2650, 2008
Step shear of entangled linear polymer melts: New experimental evidence for elastic yielding
PE Boukany, SQ Wang, X Wang
Macromolecules 42 (16), 6261-6269, 2009
Shear banding or not in entangled DNA solutions depending on the level of entanglement
PE Boukany, SQ Wang
Journal of Rheology 53 (1), 73-83, 2009
Lipid vesicles in pulsed electric fields: fundamental principles of the membrane response and its biomedical applications
DL Perrier, L Rems, PE Boukany
Advances in colloid and interface science 249, 248-271, 2017
Universal scaling behavior in startup shear of entangled linear polymer melts
PE Boukany, SQ Wang, X Wang
Journal of Rheology 53 (3), 617-629, 2009
Exploring the transition from wall slip to bulk shearing banding in well-entangled DNA solutions
PE Boukany, SQ Wang
Soft Matter 5 (4), 780-789, 2009
A correlation between velocity profile and molecular weight distribution in sheared entangled polymer solutions
PE Boukany, SQ Wang
Journal of Rheology 51 (2), 217-233, 2007
Exploring origins of interfacial yielding and wall slip in entangled linear melts during shear or after shear cessation
PE Boukany, SQ Wang
Macromolecules 42 (6), 2222-2228, 2009
Polymer conformation during flow in porous media
D Kawale, G Bouwman, S Sachdev, PLJ Zitha, MT Kreutzer, WR Rossen, ...
Soft matter 13 (46), 8745-8755, 2017
Flow of DNA in micro/nanofluidics: From fundamentals to applications
L Rems, D Kawale, LJ Lee, PE Boukany
Biomicrofluidics 10 (4), 2016
Shear banding or not in entangled DNA solutions
PE Boukany, SQ Wang
American Chemical Society, 2010
Large laterally ordered nanochannel arrays from DNA combing and imprinting
J Guan, PE Boukany, O Hemminger, NR Chiou, W Zha, M Cavanaugh, ...
Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 22 (36), 3997, 2010
Response of an actin network in vesicles under electric pulses
DL Perrier, A Vahid, V Kathavi, L Stam, L Rems, Y Mulla, A Muralidharan, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 8151, 2019
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Articles 1–20