Roman Mouček
Cited by
Cited by
A standards organization for open and FAIR neuroscience: the international neuroinformatics coordinating facility
MB Abrams, JG Bjaalie, S Das, GF Egan, SS Ghosh, WJ Goscinski, ...
Neuroinformatics 20 (1), 25-36, 2022
Software and hardware infrastructure for research in electrophysiology
R Mouček, P Ježek, L Vařeka, T Řondík, P Brůha, V Papež, P Mautner, ...
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 8, 20, 2014
Event-related potential data from a guess the number brain-computer interface experiment on school children
R Mouček, L Vařeka, T Prokop, J Štěbeták, P Brůha
Scientific data 4 (1), 1-11, 2017
System for EEG/ERP data and metadata storage and management
P Jezek, R Moucek
Neural Network World 22 (3), 277, 2012
Database of EEG/ERP experiments
P Ježek, R Mouček
HEALTHINF 2010-Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health …, 2010
Semantic framework for mapping object-oriented model to semantic web languages
P Ježek, R Mouček
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 9, 3, 2015
Event-related potential datasets based on a three-stimulus paradigm
L Vareka, P Bruha, R Moucek
GigaScience 3 (1), 2047-217X-3-35, 2014
Auditory ERPs in children with developmental coordination disorder
I Holeckova, L Cepicka, P Mautner, D Stepanek, R Moucek
Activitas Nervosa Superior 56, 37-44, 2014
Considerations for developing a standard for storing electrophysiology data in HDF5
JL Teeters, J Benda, AP Davison, S Eglen, S Gerhard, RC Gerkin, ...
Front Neuroinform, 2013
A standards organization for open and FAIR neuroscience: the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility. Neuroinform
MB Abrams, JG Bjaalie, S Das, GF Egan, SS Ghosh, WJ Goscinski, ...
Describing neurophysiology data and metadata with OEN, the Ontology for Experimental Neurophysiology
Y Le Franc, A Bandrowski, P Brůha, V Papež, J Grewe, R Mouček, ...
Front. Neuroinform 8 (44), 10.3389, 2014
Odd-ball protocol stimulator for neuroinformatics research
K Dudáček, P Mautner, R Mouček, J Novotný
2011 International Conference on Applied Electronics, 1-4, 2011
ERP components detection using wavelet transform and matching pursuit algorithm
T Řondík, J Ciniburk, R Mouček, P Mautner
2011 international conference on applied electronics, 1-4, 2011
applying an archetype-Based approach to electroencephalography/event-related Potential experiments in the eegBase resource
V Papež, R Mouček
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 11, 24, 2017
EEG/ERP Portal--Semantic Web Extension: Generating Ontology from Object Oriented Model
P Ježek, R Mouček
2010 Second WRI Global Congress on Intelligent Systems 3, 392-395, 2010
NIX–Neuroscience information exchange format
M Martone, R Gerkin, R Moucek, S Das, W Goscinski, ...
F1000Research 9 (358), 358, 2020
Heart rate and sentiment experimental data with common timeline
J Salamon, R Mouček
Data in brief 15, 851-861, 2017
Exercise and wellness health strategy framework
P Bruha, R Moucek, P Šnejdar, D Bohmann, V Kraft, P Rehor
BIOSTEC 2017, 477, 2017
Guess the number-applying a simple brain-computer interface to school-age children
L Vařeka, T Prokop, J Štěbeták, R Mouček
International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing 5 …, 2016
Model of Software and Hardware Infrastructure for Electrophysiology.
P Jezek, J Stebeták, P Bruha, R Moucek
HEALTHINF, 352-356, 2013
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Articles 1–20