Christopher Stewart
Christopher Stewart
Google, University of Memphis Institute for Intelligent Systems
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Cited by
Engueulade ou énumération? Attitudes envers quelques énoncés enregistrés dans les «banlieues»
C Stewart, Z Fagyal
Bertucci, M.-M. et Houdart-Merot, V.(éd.) Situations de banlieues …, 2005
Prosodic style-shifting in preadolescent peer-group interactions in a working-class suburb of Paris
Z Fagyal, C Stewart
Ethnic styles of speaking in European metropolitan areas, 75-99, 2011
Mapping language ideologies in multi-ethnic urban Europe: the case of Parisian French
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 33 (2), 187-202, 2012
Natural Language Processing with Machine Learning Methods to Analyze Unstructured Patient-Reported Outcomes Derived from Electronic Health Records: A Systematic Review
ICH Jin-ah Sim, Xiaolei Huang, Madeline R. Horan, Christopher M. Stewart ...
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2023
On the Socio-Indexicality of a Parisian French Intonation Contour1
CM Stewart
Journal of French Language Studies 22 (2), 251-271, 2012
Prosodic style-shifting and peer-group solidarity in a multi-ethnic working-class suburb of Paris
Z Fagyal, C Stewart
Kern, F. and Selting, M.(éd.), Ethnic Styles of Speaking in European …, 2011
Perceptions of Parisian French: From language attitudes to speech perception
CM Stewart
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009
On the Anatomy of a Prosodic Sociolinguistic Marker in Parisian French
C Stewart
S. Alvord (éd.) Selected Proceedings on the 5th Conference on Laboratory …, 2011
Alternance stylistique et cohésion intra-groupe dans une banlieue multi-ethnique de Paris
Z Fagyal, C Stewart
Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, 199, 2008
Gender Assignment and Word-final Pronunciation in French: Two Semantic Systems by Margaret À. Beckett
CM Stewart
The French Review 85 (3), 603-604, 2012
Français des banlieues, français populaire?
CM Stewart
The French Review 80 (3), 690-691, 2007
French in the suburbs, popular French?
CM Stewart
FRENCH REVIEW 80 (3), 690-691, 2007
Social Cognition and Sociolinguistic Processing-Automatic Vigilance and Ingroup Identification
C Stewart
Perception of non-standard prosodic features in French via re-synthesis in PRAAT: preliminary findings
C Stewart, Z Fagyal, P Golato
Implicit Memory Affects Sociolinguistic Processing: Evidence from Ethnic Cues and Prosodic Perception in Parisian French
CM Stewart
Mapping Attitudes: The Role of Linguistic Experience and Ethnic Bias Towards “Parisian French”
C Stewart, Z Fagyal, P Golato
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Articles 1–16