Eduardo Eiji Maeda
Eduardo Eiji Maeda
Associate Professor, University of Helsinki
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Does higher surface temperature intensify extreme precipitation?
N Utsumi, S Seto, S Kanae, EE Maeda, T Oki
Geophysical research letters 38 (16), 2011
Estimating reference evapotranspiration using remote sensing and empirical models in a region with limited ground data availability in Kenya
EE Maeda, DA Wiberg, PKE Pellikka
Applied Geography 31 (1), 251-258, 2011
Potential impacts of agricultural expansion and climate change on soil erosion in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Kenya
EE Maeda, PKE Pellikka, M Siljander, BJF Clark
Geomorphology 123 (3-4), 279-289, 2010
Climate seasonality limits leaf carbon assimilation and wood productivity in tropical forests
FH Wagner, B Hérault, D Bonal, C Stahl, LO Anderson, TR Baker, ...
Biogeosciences 13 (8), 2537-2562, 2016
Persistent collapse of biomass in Amazonian forest edges following deforestation leads to unaccounted carbon losses
CHL Silva Junior, LEOC Aragão, LO Anderson, MG Fonseca, ...
Science Advances 6 (40), eaaz8360, 2020
Predicting forest fire in the Brazilian Amazon using MODIS imagery and artificial neural networks
EE Maeda, AR Formaggio, YE Shimabukuro, GFB Arcoverde, MC Hansen
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 11 (4 …, 2009
Agricultural expansion and its consequences in the Taita Hills, Kenya
PKE Pellikka, BJF Clark, AG Gosa, N Himberg, P Hurskainen, E Maeda, ...
Developments in earth surface processes 16, 165-179, 2013
Evapotranspiration seasonality across the Amazon basin
E Maeda, X Ma, F Wagner, H Kim, T Oki, D Eamus, A Huete
Earth System Dynamics Discussions, 2017
Dynamic modeling of forest conversion: Simulation of past and future scenarios of rural activities expansion in the fringes of the Xingu National Park, Brazilian Amazon
EE Maeda, CM de Almeida, A de Carvalho Ximenes, AR Formaggio, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 13 (3 …, 2011
Landslide inventory using image fusion techniques in Brazil
EV Marcelino, AR Formaggio, EE Maeda
International Journal of applied Earth observation and geoinformation 11 (3 …, 2009
Modelling agricultural expansion in Kenya’s Eastern Arc Mountains biodiversity hotspot
EE Maeda, BJF Clark, P Pellikka, M Siljander
Agricultural Systems 103 (9), 609-620, 2010
Climate drivers of the Amazon forest greening
FH Wagner, B Hérault, V Rossi, T Hilker, EE Maeda, A Sanchez, ...
PLoS One 12 (7), e0180932, 2017
Use of remotely sensed land surface temperature as a proxy for air temperatures at high elevations: Findings from a 5000 m elevational transect across Kilimanjaro
NC Pepin, EE Maeda, R Williams
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (17), 9998-10,015, 2016
Patch aggregation trends of the global climate landscape under future global warming scenario
H Lu, Y Guan, L He, H Adhikari, P Pellikka, J Heiskanen, E Maeda
International Journal of Climatology, 2020
Large-scale commodity agriculture exacerbates the climatic impacts of Amazonian deforestation
EE Maeda, TA Abera, M Siljander, LEOC Aragão, YM Moura, J Heiskanen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (7), e2023787118, 2021
Fire risk assessment in the Brazilian Amazon using MODIS imagery and change vector analysis
EE Maeda, GFB Arcoverde, PKE Pellikka, YE Shimabukuro
Applied Geography 31 (1), 76-84, 2011
Prospective changes in irrigation water requirements caused by agricultural expansion and climate changes in the eastern arc mountains of Kenya
EE Maeda, PKE Pellikka, BJF Clark, M Siljander
Journal of Environmental Management 92 (3), 982-993, 2011
Invasive tree species detection in the Eastern Arc Mountains biodiversity hotspot using one class classification
R Piiroinen, FE Fassnacht, J Heiskanen, E Maeda, B Mack, P Pellikka
Remote sensing of environment 218, 119-131, 2018
Burned area detection based on Landsat time series in savannas of southern Burkina Faso
J Liu, J Heiskanen, EE Maeda, PKE Pellikka
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 64 …, 2018
Rainfall–vegetation interaction regulates temperature anomalies during extreme dry events in the Horn of Africa
TA Abera, J Heiskanen, P Pellikka, EE Maeda
Global and Planetary Change 167, 35-45, 2018
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Articles 1–20