Jingwei Song
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Cited by
Road network extraction: A neural-dynamic framework based on deep learning and a finite state machine
J Wang, J Song, M Chen, Z Yang
International Journal of Remote Sensing 36 (12), 3144-3169, 2015
Convergence and consistency analysis for a 3-D invariant-EKF SLAM
T Zhang, K Wu, J Song, S Huang, G Dissanayake
IEEE robotics and automation letters 2 (2), 733-740, 2017
Mis-slam: Real-time large-scale dense deformable slam system in minimal invasive surgery based on heterogeneous computing
J Song, J Wang, L Zhao, S Huang, G Dissanayake
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (4), 4068-4075, 2018
Dynamic reconstruction of deformable soft-tissue with stereo scope in minimal invasive surgery
J Song, J Wang, L Zhao, S Huang, G Dissanayake
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (1), 155-162, 2017
Extraction and reconstruction of curved surface buildings by contour clustering using airborne LiDAR data
J Song, J Wu, Y Jiang
Optik 126 (5), 513-521, 2015
Curved buildings reconstruction from airborne LiDAR data by matching and deforming geometric primitives
J Song, S Xia, J Wang, D Chen
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59 (2), 1660-1674, 2020
Improving the accuracy of estimation of eutrophication state index using a remote sensing data-driven method: A case study of Chaohu Lake, China
B Xiang, JW Song, XY Wang, J Zhen
Water SA 41 (5), 753-761, 2015
A multistep chaotic model for municipal solid waste generation prediction
J Song, J He
Environmental Engineering Science 31 (8), 461-468, 2014
Fusing convolutional neural network and geometric constraint for image-based indoor localization
J Song, M Patel, M Ghaffari
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2), 1674-1681, 2022
Simulated annealing based hybrid forecast for improving daily municipal solid waste generation prediction
J Song, J He, M Zhu, D Tan, Y Zhang, S Ye, D Shen, P Zou
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 834357, 2014
Fine-scale evaluation of giant panda habitats and countermeasures against the future impacts of climate change and human disturbance (2015–2050): A case study in Ya’an, China
J Zhen, X Wang, Q Meng, J Song, Y Liao, B Xiang, H Guo, C Liu, R Yang, ...
Sustainability 10 (4), 1081, 2018
Combining deep learning with geometric features for image-based localization in the Gastrointestinal tract
J Song, M Patel, A Girgensohn, C Kim
Expert Systems with Applications 185, 115631, 2021
Application of dynamic data driven application system in environmental science
J Song, B Xiang, X Wang, L Wu, C Chang
Environmental Reviews 22 (3), 287-297, 2014
Se (3)-equivariant point cloud-based place recognition
CE Lin, J Song, R Zhang, M Zhu, M Ghaffari
Conference on Robot Learning, 1520-1530, 2023
A submap joining based RGB-D SLAM algorithm using planes as features
J Wang, J Song, L Zhao, S Huang
Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 11th International Conference …, 2018
BDIS: Bayesian dense inverse searching method for real-time stereo surgical image matching
J Song, Q Zhu, J Lin, M Ghaffari
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 39 (2), 1388-1406, 2022
Progress in symmetry preserving robot perception and control through geometry and learning
M Ghaffari, R Zhang, M Zhu, CE Lin, TY Lin, S Teng, T Li, T Liu, J Song
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 9, 969380, 2022
Uncertainty quantification of hyperspectral image denoising frameworks based on sliding-window low-rank matrix approximation
J Song, S Xia, J Wang, M Patel, D Chen
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-12, 2021
A submap joining algorithm for 3D reconstruction using an RGB-D camera based on point and plane features
J Wang, J Song, L Zhao, S Huang, R Xiong
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 118, 93-111, 2019
An improved neural network for regional giant panda habitat suitability mapping: A case study in Ya’an prefecture
J Song, X Wang, Y Liao, J Zhen, N Ishwaran, H Guo, R Yang, C Liu, ...
Sustainability 6 (7), 4059-4076, 2014
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