Paloma Lucena Moya
Paloma Lucena Moya
Visiting Scientist. Tvärminne Zoological Station. University of Helsinki
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A unifying approach to understanding transitional waters: fundamental properties emerging from ecotone ecosystems
A Basset, E Barbone, M Elliott, BL Li, SE Jorgensen, P Lucena-Moya, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 132, 5-16, 2013
The effects of climate change on ecologically-relevant flow regime and water quality attributes
F Dyer, S ElSawah, B Croke, R Griffiths, E Harrison, P Lucena-Moya, ...
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 28, 67-82, 2014
Macrophyte architecture affects the abundance and diversity of littoral microfauna
P Lucena-Moya, IC Duggan
Aquatic Ecology 45, 279-287, 2011
Development of a typology for transitional waters in the Mediterranean ecoregion: the case of the islands
P Lucena-Moya, I Pardo, M Álvarez
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 82 (1), 61-72, 2009
Seasonal variability in benthic–pelagic coupling: Quantifying organic matter inputs to the seafloor and benthic macrofauna using a multi-marker approach
IF Rodil, P Lucena-Moya, T Tamelander, J Norkko, A Norkko
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 404, 2020
The role of dispersal mode and habitat specialization for metacommunity structure of shallow beach invertebrates
IF Rodil, P Lucena-Moya, H Jokinen, V Ollus, H Wennhage, A Villnäs, ...
PLoS One 12 (2), e0172160, 2017
Alteration of macroalgal subsidies by climate-associated stressors affects behavior of wrack-reliant beach consumers
IF Rodil, P Lucena-Moya, C Olabarria, F Arenas
Ecosystems 18 (3), 428-440, 2015
Discretization of continuous predictor variables in Bayesian networks: An ecological threshold approach
P Lucena-Moya, R Brawata, J Kath, E Harrison, S ElSawah, F Dyer
Environmental Modelling & Software 66, 36-45, 2015
Spatio-temporal variability in water chemistry of Mediterranean coastal lagoons and its management implications
P Lucena-Moya, C Gómez-Rodríguez, I Pardo
Wetlands 32, 1033-1045, 2012
The importance of environmental and spatial factors in the metacommunity dynamics of exposed sandy beach benthic invertebrates
IF Rodil, P Lucena-Moya, M Lastra
Estuaries and coasts 41, 206-217, 2018
Invertebrate species list of coastal lagoons in the Balearic Islands
P Lucena-Moya, R Abraín, I Pardo, B Hermida, M Domínguez
Transitional Waters Bulletin 4 (1), 1-11, 2010
Correspondence between zooplankton assemblages and the Estuary Environment Classification system
P Lucena-Moya, IC Duggan
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 184, 1-9, 2017
An invertebrate multimetric index to classify the ecological status of small coastal lagoons in the Mediterranean ecoregion (MIBIIN)
P Lucena-Moya, I Pardo
Marine and freshwater research 63 (9), 801-814, 2012
Predicting water quality and ecological responses
F Dyer, S El Sawah, P Lucena-Moya
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, 2013
Crustacean assemblages of coastal wetlands from fragmented and scarcely isolated islands compared with the mainland
P Lucena-Moya, S Gascón, D Boix, I Pardo, J Sala, XD Quintana
Marine and Freshwater Research 68 (5), 889-899, 2016
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Articles 1–15