Eduardo Lenz
Cited by
Cited by
Modeling and stability analysis of islanded DC microgrids under droop control
APN Tahim, DJ Pagano, E Lenz, V Stramosk
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 30 (8), 4597-4607, 2014
Bifurcation analysis of parallel-connected voltage-source inverters with constant power loads
E Lenz, DJ Pagano, J Pou
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (6), 5482-5493, 2017
Two-parameter stability analysis of resistive droop control applied to parallel-connected voltage-source inverters
E Lenz, DJ Pagano, A Ruseler, ML Heldwein
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 8 (4 …, 2020
Nonlinear control for bidirectional power converter in a dc microgrid
E Lenz, DJ Pagano
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (23), 359-364, 2013
Nonlinear control applied to a dc-dc power converter and the load sharing problem in a dc microgrid
E Lenz, DJ Pagano, V Stramosk
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 534-539, 2014
Nonlinear control of a bidirectional power converter for connecting batteries in DC microgrids
E Lenz, DJ Pagano, MT Saito, J Pou
2017 IEEE 8th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed …, 2017
Nonlinear control of a three-phase power converter with constant power load in a microgrid
E Lenz, DJ Pagano
2013 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference, 368-373, 2013
Codimension-two bifurcation analysis in DC microgrids under droop control
E Lenz, DJ Pagano, APN Tahim
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 26 (02), 1650028, 2016
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Articles 1–8