Marija Kovandžić
Cited by
Cited by
Access to primary mental health care for hard-to-reach groups: From ‘silent suffering’to ‘making it work’
M Kovandžić, C Chew-Graham, J Reeve, S Edwards, S Peters, D Edge, ...
Social Science & Medicine 72 (5), 763-772, 2011
Why may older people with depression not present to primary care? Messages from secondary analysis of qualitative data
C Chew‐Graham, M Kovandžić, L Gask, H Burroughs, P Clarke, ...
Health & social care in the community 20 (1), 52-60, 2012
Researching the mental health needs of hard-to-reach groups: managing multiple sources of evidence
C Dowrick, L Gask, S Edwards, S Aseem, P Bower, H Burroughs, A Catlin, ...
BMC Health Services Research 9, 1-12, 2009
Slaying the dragon myth: an ethnographic study of receptionists in UK general practice
J Hammond, K Gravenhorst, E Funnell, S Beatty, D Hibbert, J Lamb, ...
British Journal of General Practice 63 (608), e177-e184, 2013
Improving access to psychosocial interventions for common mental health problems in the United Kingdom: narrative review and development of a conceptual model for complex …
L Gask, P Bower, J Lamb, H Burroughs, C Chew-Graham, S Edwards, ...
BMC Health Services Research 12, 1-13, 2012
Basic versus biofeedback-mediated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for women with urinary incontinence: the OPAL RCT.
S Hagen, C Bugge, SG Dean, A Elders, J Hay-Smith, M Kilonzo, ...
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England) 24 (70), 1, 2020
Increasing equity of access to high-quality mental health services in primary care: a mixed-methods study
C Dowrick, C Chew-Graham, K Lovell, J Lamb, S Aseem, S Beatty, ...
Programme Grants for Applied Research 1 (2), 2013
Aiming to improve the quality of primary mental health care: developing an intervention for underserved communities
C Chew-Graham, H Burroughs, D Hibbert, L Gask, S Beatty, ...
BMC Family Practice 15, 1-9, 2014
The space of access to primary mental health care: A qualitative case study
M Kovandžić, E Funnell, J Hammond, A Ahmed, S Edwards, P Clarke, ...
Health & Place 18 (3), 536-551, 2012
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness randomised controlled trial of basic versus biofeedback-mediated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for female stress or mixed urinary …
A Grant, S Dean, J Hay-Smith, S Hagen, D McClurg, A Taylor, ...
BMJ open 9 (2), e024152, 2019
M Kovandžić
C., Reeve, J., Edwards, S., Peters, S., Edge, D.,... & Dowrick, C, 2011
Longitudinal qualitative case study
S Hagen, C Bugge, SG Dean, A Elders, J Hay-Smith, M Kilonzo, ...
Basic versus biofeedback-mediated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for …, 2020
Process evaluation
S Hagen, C Bugge, SG Dean, A Elders, J Hay-Smith, M Kilonzo, ...
Basic versus biofeedback-mediated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for …, 2020
Evaluation of the Reading Well Books on Prescription Shelf Help scheme for young people
MJ Polley, M Kovandzic
Results synthesis
S Hagen, C Bugge, SG Dean, A Elders, J Hay-Smith, M Kilonzo, ...
Basic versus biofeedback-mediated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for …, 2020
Reflections on Possibilities of Integration of Homeopathy in Publicly Funded Primary Care: Findings from a Historical Qualitative Case Study
M Kovandzic
Homeopathy 107 (S 01), P014, 2018
Primary care quality
C Dowrick, C Chew-Graham, K Lovell, J Lamb, S Aseem, S Beatty, ...
Increasing equity of access to high-quality mental health services in …, 2013
Integrating the AMP model
C Dowrick, C Chew-Graham, K Lovell, J Lamb, S Aseem, S Beatty, ...
Increasing equity of access to high-quality mental health services in …, 2013
Community engagement
C Dowrick, C Chew-Graham, K Lovell, J Lamb, S Aseem, S Beatty, ...
Increasing equity of access to high-quality mental health services in …, 2013
Psychosocial intervention
C Dowrick, C Chew-Graham, K Lovell, J Lamb, S Aseem, S Beatty, ...
Increasing equity of access to high-quality mental health services in …, 2013
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Articles 1–20