Karen Bouchard
Karen Bouchard
Associate Scientist, University of Ottawa Heart Institute; Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa
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Students' School Belonging: Juxtaposing the Perspectives of Teachers and Students in the Late Elementary School Years (Grades 4-8).
KL Bouchard, DH Berg
School Community Journal 27 (1), 107-136, 2017
Teacher–student relationship quality and children's bullying experiences with peers: Reflecting on the mesosystem
KL Bouchard, JD Smith
The Educational Forum 81 (1), 108-125, 2017
Anonymity as a double-edge sword: Reflecting on the implications of online qualitative research in studying sensitive topics
KL Bouchard
The Qualitative Report 21 (1), 59-67, 2016
A Missing Piece: Embedding Restorative Justice and Relational Pedagogy into the Teacher Education Classroom
KB Trista Hollweck, Kristin Reimer
The New Educator, 2019
The Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance atlas on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and management of cardiovascular disease in women—Chapter 4: sex-and gender-unique disparities …
SL Mulvagh, KA Mullen, KA Nerenberg, AA Kirkham, CR Green, ...
CJC open 4 (2), 115-132, 2022
Reducing caregiver distress and cardiovascular risk: a focus on caregiver-patient relationship quality
H Bouchard, K., Greenman, P., Pipe, A., Johnson, S., & Tulloch
Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 2019
Learning a new way of living together: A qualitative study exploring the relationship changes and intervention needs of patients with cardiovascular disease and their partners.
PS Tulloch, H., Bouchard, K., Clyde, M., Madrazo, L., Demidenko, N., Johnson ...
BMJ Open 10, 2020
Recovering from spontaneous coronary artery dissection: Patient-reported challenges and rehabilitative intervention needs.
K Bouchard, T Coutinho, J Reed, K Lalande, CN Tarannum, D So, J Saw, ...
Health Psychology 40 (7), 472, 2021
An attachment-based intervention for patients with cardiovascular disease and their partners: A proof-of-concept study.
H Tulloch, S Johnson, N Demidenko, M Clyde, K Bouchard, ...
Health Psychology 40 (12), 909, 2021
Showing friendship, fighting back, and getting even: Resisting bullying victimization within adolescent girls’ friendships
K Bouchard, C Forsberg, JD Smith, R Thornberg
Journal of Youth Studies 21 (9), 1141-1158, 2018
Secondary preventative care for patients post-spontaneous coronary artery dissection: A qualitative analysis of healthcare providers’ perspectives
HT Karen Bouchard, Chowdhury Nishwara Tarannum, Thais Coutinho, Derek So
Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 2019
The healing hearts together randomized controlled trial and the COVID-19 pandemic: a tutorial for transitioning from an in-person to a web-based intervention
K Lalande, PS Greenman, K Bouchard, SM Johnson, H Tulloch
Journal of Medical Internet Research 23 (4), e25502, 2021
Fostering classroom communities through circling with teacher candidates
KL Bouchard, T Hollweck, JD Smith
McGill Journal of Education 51 (3), 1103-1120, 2016
Dyadic effects of anxiety and depression on quality of life among couples facing cardiovascular disease
K Bouchard, A Gareau, NL Gallant, K Lalande, PS Greenman, ...
Journal of psychosomatic research 149, 110601, 2021
Caregiver distress and coronary artery disease: Prevalence, risk, outcomes, and management.
K Bouchard, M Dans, B Quinlan, G Higdon, H Tulloch
Current Cardiology Reports, 2022
Dyadic patterns of mental health and quality of life change in partners and patients during three months of cardiac rehabilitation
K Bouchard, A Gareau, K McKee, K Lalande, PS Greenman, H Tulloch
Journal of Family Psychology, 2021
Supporting the Health and Well-being of Caregivers: Co-design in Practice at a Canadian Cardiac Care Center
H Bouchard, K., Brownrigg, J., Quinlan, B., Bilodeau, J., Higdon, G., & Tulloch
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 35 (3), 268-272, 2020
Depression and anxiety before and after cardiac rehabilitation: comparing patients with and without spontaneous coronary artery dissection
H Tulloch, K Bouchard, J Brownrigg, T Coutinho
The Canadian journal of cardiology 39 (3), 350-352, 2023
Individual and Social-Contextual Factors Underlying Adolescents’ Commitment to Victimizing Friendships: A Qualitative Analysis
H Bouchard, K., Smith, J. D., & Woods
The Journal of Early Adolescence, 2020
Strengthening behavioral clinical trials with online qualitative research methods
K Bouchard, H Tulloch
Journal of Health Psychology, 2019
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Articles 1–20