Lewis Ziska
Lewis Ziska
Associate Professor, Columbia University
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Climate impacts on agriculture: implications for crop production
JL Hatfield, KJ Boote, BA Kimball, LH Ziska, RC Izaurralde, D Ort, ...
Agronomy journal 103 (2), 351-370, 2011
Predicting plant invasions in an era of global change
BA Bradley, DM Blumenthal, DS Wilcove, LH Ziska
Trends in ecology & evolution 25 (5), 310-318, 2010
The impacts of climate change on human health in the United States: a scientific assessment
A Crimmins, J Balbus, JL Gamble, CB Beard, JE Bell, D Dodgen, ...
The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A …, 2016
Rice: Importance for global nutrition
NK Fukagawa, LH Ziska
Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology 65 (Supplement), S2-S3, 2019
Cities as harbingers of climate change: common ragweed, urbanization, and public health
LH Ziska, DE Gebhard, DA Frenz, S Faulkner, BD Singer, JG Straka
Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 111 (2), 290-295, 2003
Climate change and agriculture in the United States: Effects and adaptation
C Walthall, C Anderson, E Takle, L Baumgard, L Wright-Morton
Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels this century will alter the protein, micronutrients, and vitamin content of rice grains with potential health consequences for the poorest …
C Zhu, K Kobayashi, I Loladze, J Zhu, Q Jiang, X Xu, G Liu, S Seneweera, ...
Science advances 4 (5), eaaq1012, 2018
Recent warming by latitude associated with increased length of ragweed pollen season in central North America
L Ziska, K Knowlton, C Rogers, D Dalan, N Tierney, MA Elder, W Filley, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (10), 4248-4251, 2011
The growth response of C4 plants to rising atmospheric CO2 partial pressure: a reassessment
O Ghannoum, S Caemmerer, LH Ziska, JP Conroy
Plant, Cell & Environment 23 (9), 931-942, 2000
Changes in growth and photosynthetic capacity of rice with increased UV‐B radiation
AH Teramura, LH Ziska, AE Sztein
Physiologia Plantarum 83 (3), 373-380, 1991
Effects of high temperature and CO2 concentration on spikelet sterility in indica rice
T Matsui, OS Namuco, LH Ziska, T Horie
Field Crops Research 51 (3), 213-219, 1997
Temperature-related changes in airborne allergenic pollen abundance and seasonality across the northern hemisphere: a retrospective data analysis
LH Ziska, L Makra, SK Harry, N Bruffaerts, M Hendrickx, F Coates, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 3 (3), e124-e131, 2019
Growth and yield response of field‐grown tropical rice to increasing carbon dioxide and air temperature
LH Ziska, O Namuco, T Moya, J Quilang
Agronomy Journal 89 (1), 45-53, 1997
Rising CO2 and pollen production of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), a known allergy-inducing species: implications for public health.
LH Ziska, FA Caulfield
Functional Plant Biology 27 (10), 893-898, 2000
Invasive species and climate change: an agronomic perspective
LH Ziska, DM Blumenthal, GB Runion, ER Hunt Jr, H Diaz-Soltero
Climatic change 105 (1), 13-42, 2011
Evaluation of the growth response of six invasive species to past, present and future atmospheric carbon dioxide
LH Ziska
Journal of Experimental Botany 54 (381), 395-404, 2003
An evaluation of cassava, sweet potato and field corn as potential carbohydrate sources for bioethanol production in Alabama and Maryland
LH Ziska, GB Runion, M Tomecek, SA Prior, HA Torbet, R Sicher
biomass and bioenergy 33 (11), 1503-1508, 2009
Growth and photosynthetic response of nine tropical species with long-term exposure to elevated carbon dioxide
LH Ziska, KP Hogan, AP Smith, BG Drake
Oecologia 86, 383-389, 1991
Anthropogenic climate change is worsening North American pollen seasons
WRL Anderegg, JT Abatzoglou, LDL Anderegg, L Bielory, PL Kinney, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (7), e2013284118, 2021
Physiological sensitivity of plants along an elevational gradient to UV‐B radiation
LH Ziska, AH Teramura, JH Sullivan
American journal of botany 79 (8), 863-871, 1992
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Articles 1–20