Michael R. Roberts
Michael R. Roberts
William H. Lawrence Professor of Finance, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
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Endogeneity in empirical corporate finance
M Roberts, T Whited
Simon School Working Paper No. FR 11-29, 2012
How does financing impact investment? The role of debt covenants
S Chava, MR Roberts
The Journal of Finance 63 (5), 2085-2121, 2008
Back to the beginning: persistence and the cross‐section of corporate capital structure
ML Lemmon, MR Roberts, JF Zender
The Journal of Finance 63 (4), 1575-1608, 2008
Back to the beginning: persistence and the cross‐section of corporate capital structure
ML Lemmon, MR Roberts, JF Zender
The Journal of Finance 63 (4), 1575-1608, 2008
Do firms rebalance their capital structures?
MT Leary, MR Roberts
The Journal of Finance 60 (6), 2575-2619, 2005
Do peer firms affect corporate financial policy?
MT Leary, MR Roberts
The Journal of Finance 69 (1), 139-178, 2014
The pecking order, debt capacity, and information asymmetry
MT Leary, MR Roberts
Journal of Financial Economics 95 (3), 332-355, 2010
The structure and pricing of corporate debt covenants
M Bradley, M Roberts
6th Annual Texas Finance Festival, 2004
Renegotiation of financial contracts: Evidence from private credit agreements
MR Roberts, A Sufi
Journal of Financial Economics 93 (2), 159-184, 2009
Control rights and capital structure: An empirical investigation
MR Roberts, A Sufi
The Journal of Finance 64 (4), 1657-1695, 2009
Corporate dividend policies: Lessons from private firms
R Michaely, MR Roberts
The Review of Financial Studies 25 (3), 711-746, 2012
The response of corporate financing and investment to changes in the supply of credit
M Lemmon, MR Roberts
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 45 (03), 555-587, 2010
On the importance of measuring payout yield: Implications for empirical asset pricing
J Boudoukh, R Michaely, M Richardson, MR Roberts
The Journal of Finance 62 (2), 877-915, 2007
An empirical examination of restructured electricity prices
CR Knittel, MR Roberts
Energy Economics 27 (5), 791-817, 2005
A century of capital structure: The leveraging of corporate America
JR Graham, MT Leary, MR Roberts
Journal of Financial Economics 118 (3), 658-683, 2015
A century of capital structure: The leveraging of corporate America
JR Graham, MT Leary, MR Roberts
Journal of Financial Economics 118 (3), 658-683, 2015
The role of dynamic renegotiation and asymmetric information in financial contracting
M Roberts
Available at SSRN 1732364, 2010
The history of the cross-section of stock returns
JT Linnainmaa, MR Roberts
The Review of Financial Studies 31 (7), 2606-2649, 2018
Do Price Discreteness and Transactions Costs Affect Stock Returns? Comparing Ex‐Dividend Pricing before and after Decimalization
JR Graham, R Michaely, MR Roberts
The Journal of Finance 58 (6), 2611-2636, 2003
On “solutions” to the ecological inference problem
DA Freedman, SP Klein, M Ostland, M Roberts
Journal of the American Statistical Association 93 (444), 1518-22, 1998
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Articles 1–20