Remy Boyer
Remy Boyer
University of Lille / CRIStAL lab.
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Channel estimation for intelligent reflecting surface assisted MIMO systems: A tensor modeling approach
GT de Araújo, ALF de Almeida, R Boyer
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 15 (3), 789-802, 2021
Performance bounds and angular resolution limit for the moving colocated MIMO radar
R Boyer
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (4), 1539-1552, 2010
Oblique projections for direction-of-arrival estimation with prior knowledge
R Boyer, G Bouleux
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (4), 1374-1387, 2008
Conditional and unconditional Cramér–Rao bounds for near-field source localization
MN El Korso, R Boyer, A Renaux, S Marcos
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 58 (5), 2901-2907, 2010
Fast multilinear singular value decomposition for structured tensors
R Badeau, R Boyer
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 30 (3), 1008-1021, 2008
EDS parametric modeling and tracking of audio signals
R Badeau, R Boyer, B David
Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx …, 2002
Audio modeling based on delayed sinusoids
R Boyer, K Abed-Meraim
IEEE Transactions on speech and audio processing 12 (2), 110-120, 2004
Tensor CP decomposition with structured factor matrices: Algorithms and performance
JHM Goulart, M Boizard, R Boyer, G Favier, P Comon
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 10 (4), 757-769, 2015
Statistical resolution limit of the uniform linear cocentered orthogonal loop and dipole array
MN El Korso, R Boyer, A Renaux, S Marcos
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (1), 425-431, 2010
A Cramér Rao bounds based analysis of 3D antenna array geometries made from ULA branches
DT Vu, A Renaux, R Boyer, S Marcos
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 24, 121-155, 2013
Audio watermarking under desynchronization and additive noise attacks
A Zaidi, R Boyer, P Duhamel
IEEE transactions on signal processing 54 (2), 570-584, 2006
NenUFAR: Instrument description and science case
P Zarka, M Tagger, L Denis, JN Girard, A Konovalenko, M Atemkeng, ...
2015 International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT), 1-6, 2015
Statistical resolution limit for source localization with clutter interference in a MIMO radar context
MN El Korso, R Boyer, A Renaux, S Marcos
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (2), 987-992, 2011
Statistical resolution limit for multiple parameters of interest and for multiple signals
MN El Korso, R Boyer, A Renaux, S Marcos
2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2010
A TT-based hierarchical framework for decomposing high-order tensors
Y Zniyed, R Boyer, ALF De Almeida, G Favier
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (2), A822-A848, 2020
Robust calibration of radio interferometers in non-Gaussian environment
V Ollier, MN El Korso, R Boyer, P Larzabal, M Pesavento
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (21), 5649-5660, 2017
Compressed sensing with basis mismatch: Performance bounds and sparse-based estimator
S Bernhardt, R Boyer, S Marcos, P Larzabal
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (13), 3483-3494, 2016
Deterministic performance bounds on the mean square error for near field source localization
MN El Korso, A Renaux, R Boyer, S Marcos
IEEE transactions on signal processing 61 (4), 871-877, 2012
Higher order tensor-based method for delayed exponential fitting
R Boyer, L De Lathauwer, K Abed-Meraim
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (6), 2795-2809, 2007
Oblique projection for source estimation in a competitive environment: algorithm and statistical analysis
R Boyer
Signal Processing 89 (12), 2547-2554, 2009
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