Associate Professor Brad Murray
Associate Professor Brad Murray
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Life‐history correlates of plant invasiveness at regional and continental scales
MA Hamilton, BR Murray, MW Cadotte, GC Hose, AC Baker, CJ Harris, ...
Ecology Letters 8, 1066–1074, 2005
How plant life‐history and ecological traits relate to species rarity and commonness at varying spatial scales
BR Murray, PH Thrall, AM Gill, AB Nicotra
Austral Ecology 27, 291–310, 2002
A functional methodology for determining the groundwater regime needed to maintain the health of groundwater-dependent vegetation
D Eamus, R Froend, R Loomes, G Hose, BR Murray
Australian Journal of Botany 54, 97–114, 2006
Non-natives: 141 scientists object
D Simberloff, J Alexander, F Allendorf, et al. including BR Murray
Nature 475, 36, 2011
Geographical gradients in seed mass in relation to climate
BR Murray, AHD Brown, CR Dickman, MS Crowther
Journal of Biogeography 31, 379–388, 2004
Groundwater‐dependent ecosystems in Australia: It's more than just water for rivers
BR Murray, MJB Zeppel, GC Hose, D Eamus
Ecological Management & Restoration 4, 110–113, 2003
Ecological patterns and biological invasions: Using regional species inventories in macroecology
MW Cadotte, BR Murray, J Lovett-Doust
Biological Invasions 8, 809–821, 2006
Seasonal responses of xylem sap velocity to VPD and solar radiation during drought in a stand of native trees in temperate Australia
MJB Zeppel, BR Murray, C Barton, D Eamus
Functional Plant Biology 31, 461–470, 2004
Fly-ash: An exploitable resource for management of Australian agricultural soils
IAM Yunusa, D Eamus, DL DeSilva, BR Murray, MD Burchett, GC Skilbeck, ...
Fuel 85, 2337–2344, 2006
Phylogenetic relatedness and plant invader success across two spatial scales
MW Cadotte, MA Hamilton, BR Murray
Diversity and Distributions 15, 481–488, 2009
Species in the tail of rank–abundance curves
BR Murray, BL Rice, DA Keith, PJ Myerscough, J Howell, AG Floyd, ...
Ecology 80, 1806–1816, 1999
Differences in leaf flammability, leaf traits and flammability-trait relationships between native and exotic plant species of dry sclerophyll forest
BR Murray, LK Hardstaff, ML Phillips
PLOS ONE 8, e79205, 2013
The relationship between seed size and abundance in plant communities: Model predictions and observed patterns
MR Leishman, BR Murray
Oikos 94, 151–161, 2001
Life‐history and ecological correlates of decline and extinction in the endemic Australian frog fauna
BR Murray, GC Hose
Austral Ecology 30, 564–571, 2005
Widespread plant species: Natives versus aliens in our changing world
TJ Stohlgren, P Pyšek, J Kartesz, M Nishino, A Pauchard, M Winter, J Pino, ...
Biological Invasions 13, 1931–1944, 2011
Geographic range size, seedling ecophysiology and phenotypic plasticity in Australian Acacia species
CL Pohlman, AB Nicotra, BR Murray
Journal of Biogeography 32, 341–351, 2005
Valuation of groundwater-dependent ecosystems: A functional methodology incorporating ecosystem services
BR Murray, GC Hose, D Eamus, D Licari
Australian Journal of Botany 54, 221–229, 2006
Granivory and microhabitat use in Australian desert rodents: Are seeds important?
BR Murray, CR Dickman
Oecologia 99, 216–225, 1994
The dietary ecology of Australian rodents
BR Murray, CR Dickman, CHS Watts, SR Morton
Wildlife Research 26, 421–437; 857–858, 1999
A predictive framework and review of the ecological impacts of exotic plant invasions on reptiles and amphibians
LJ Martin, BR Murray
Biological Reviews 86, 407–419, 2011
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Articles 1–20