Brian J Wells
Brian J Wells
Associate Professor at Wake Forest School of Medicine
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Strategies for handling missing data in electronic health record derived data
BJ Wells, KM Chagin, AS Nowacki, MW Kattan
Egems 1 (3), 2013
Prostate cancer and sexually transmitted diseases: a meta-analysis
ML Taylor, AG Mainous, BJ Wells
Prevalence and recognition of obesity and its associated comorbidities: cross-sectional analysis of electronic health record data from a large US integrated health system
KM Pantalone, TM Hobbs, KM Chagin, SX Kong, BJ Wells, MW Kattan, ...
BMJ open 7 (11), e017583, 2017
Predicting patient discharge disposition after total joint arthroplasty in the United States
WK Barsoum, TG Murray, AK Klika, K Green, SL Miniaci, BJ Wells, ...
The Journal of arthroplasty 25 (6), 885-892, 2010
Clinical characteristics, complications, comorbidities and treatment patterns among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a large integrated health system
KM Pantalone, TM Hobbs, BJ Wells, SX Kong, MW Kattan, J Bouchard, ...
BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 3 (1), e000093, 2015
The risk of developing coronary artery disease or congestive heart failure, and overall mortality, in type 2 diabetic patients receiving rosiglitazone, pioglitazone, metformin …
KM Pantalone, MW Kattan, C Yu, BJ Wells, S Arrigain, A Jain, A Atreja, ...
Acta diabetologica 46, 145-154, 2009
Safely identifying emergency department patients with acute chest pain for early discharge: HEART pathway accelerated diagnostic protocol
SA Mahler, KM Lenoir, BJ Wells, GL Burke, PW Duncan, LD Case, ...
Circulation 138 (22), 2456-2468, 2018
The risk of overall mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes receiving glipizide, glyburide, or glimepiride monotherapy: a retrospective analysis
KM Pantalone, MW Kattan, C Yu, BJ Wells, S Arrigain, A Jain, A Atreja, ...
Diabetes care 33 (6), 1224-1229, 2010
Association between dietary arginine and C-reactive protein
BJ Wells, AG Mainous III, CJ Everett
Nutrition 21 (2), 125-130, 2005
Increase in overall mortality risk in patients with type 2 diabetes receiving glipizide, glyburide or glimepiride monotherapy versus metformin: a retrospective analysis
KM Pantalone, MW Kattan, C Yu, BJ Wells, S Arrigain, A Jain, A Atreja, ...
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 14 (9), 803-809, 2012
Statins and cancer: a meta-analysis of case–control studies
ML Taylor, BJ Wells, MJ Smolak
European Journal of Cancer Prevention 17 (3), 259-268, 2008
Frailty screening using the electronic health record within a Medicare accountable care organization
NM Pajewski, K Lenoir, BJ Wells, JD Williamson, KE Callahan
The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 74 (11), 1771-1777, 2019
Intensification of diabetes therapy and time until A1C goal attainment among patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes who fail metformin monotherapy within a large …
KM Pantalone, BJ Wells, KM Chagin, F Ejzykowicz, C Yu, A Milinovich, ...
Diabetes Care 39 (9), 1527-1534, 2016
Health care and productivity costs associated with diabetic patients with macrovascular comorbid conditions
AZ Fu, Y Qiu, L Radican, BJ Wells
Diabetes care 32 (12), 2187-2192, 2009
Iron, lipids, and risk of cancer in the Framingham Offspring cohort
AG Mainous III, BJ Wells, RJ Koopman, CJ Everett, JM Gill
American journal of epidemiology 161 (12), 1115-1122, 2005
Olanzapine-induced diabetic ketoacidosis
KR Ragucci, BJ Wells
Annals of Pharmacotherapy 35 (12), 1556-1558, 2001
Association of ferritin and lipids with C-reactive protein
AG Mainous III, BJ Wells, CJ Everett, JM Gill, DE King
The American journal of cardiology 93 (5), 559-562, 2004
Colorectal cancer predicted risk online (CRC-PRO) calculator using data from the multi-ethnic cohort study
BJ Wells, MW Kattan, GS Cooper, L Jackson, S Koroukian
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 27 (1), 42-55, 2014
Predicting 6-year mortality risk in patients with type 2 diabetes
BJ Wells, A Jain, S Arrigain, C Yu, WA Rosenkrans Jr, MW Kattan
Diabetes care 31 (12), 2301-2306, 2008
Opportunistic measurement of skeletal muscle size and muscle attenuation on computed tomography predicts 1-year mortality in medicare patients
L Lenchik, KM Lenoir, J Tan, RD Boutin, KE Callahan, SB Kritchevsky, ...
The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 74 (7), 1063-1069, 2019
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Articles 1–20