Pau San Valero Tornero
Cited by
Cited by
Effect of pH, yeast extract and inorganic carbon on chain elongation for hexanoic acid production
P San-Valero, HN Abubackar, MC Veiga, C Kennes
Bioresource technology 300, 122659, 2020
Fully aerobic bioscrubber for the desulfurization of H2S-rich biogas
P San-Valero, JM Penya-Roja, FJ Álvarez-Hornos, G Buitrón, C Gabaldón, ...
Fuel 241, 884-891, 2019
Performance of a polypropylene membrane contactor for the recovery of dissolved methane from anaerobic effluents: Mass transfer evaluation, long-term operation and cleaning …
M Henares, P Ferrero, P San-Valero, V Martinez-Soria, M Izquierdo
Journal of membrane science 563, 926-937, 2018
Workshops of innovation in chemical engineering to train communication skills in science and technology
P San-Valero, A Robles, MV Ruano, N Martí, A Cháfer, JD Badia
Education for Chemical Engineers 26, 114-121, 2019
Granulation and microbial community dynamics in the chitosan-supplemented anaerobic treatment of wastewater polluted with organic solvents
K Torres, FJ Álvarez-Hornos, P San-Valero, C Gabaldón, P Marzal
Water research 130, 376-387, 2018
Influence of electron acceptors on hexanoic acid production by Clostridium kluyveri
P San-Valero, Á Fernández-Naveira, MC Veiga, C Kennes
Journal of environmental management 242, 515-521, 2019
Enhanced styrene removal in a two-phase partitioning bioreactor operated as a biotrickling filter: Towards full-scale applications
P San-Valero, C Gabaldón, JM Penya-roja, G Quijano
Chemical Engineering Journal 309, 588-595, 2017
Optimization of alkali pretreatment to enhance rice straw conversion to butanol
A Valles, M Capilla, FJ Álvarez-Hornos, M García-Puchol, P San-Valero, ...
Biomass and Bioenergy 150, 106131, 2021
Biotrickling filter modeling for styrene abatement. Part 1: Model development, calibration and validation on an industrial scale
P San-Valero, AD Dorado, V Martínez-Soria, C Gabaldón
Chemosphere 191, 1066-1074, 2018
Contextualized project-based learning for training chemical engineers in graphic expression
M Hernáiz-Pérez, J Álvarez-Hornos, JD Badia, JB Giménez, Á Robles, ...
Education for Chemical Engineers 34, 57-67, 2021
Biotrickling filtration of isopropanol under intermittent loading conditions
P San-Valero, JM Penya-Roja, F Sempere, C Gabaldón
Bioprocess and biosystems engineering 36, 975-984, 2013
Modelling mass transfer properties in a biotrickling filter for the removal of isopropanol
P San-Valero, JM Penya-Roja, FJ Álvarez-Hornos, C Gabaldon
Chemical Engineering Science 108, 47-56, 2014
The combined effect on initial glucose concentration and pH control strategies for acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation by Clostridium acetobutylicum DSM 792
M Capilla, P San-Valero, M Izquierdo, JM Penya-roja, C Gabaldón
Biochemical Engineering Journal 167, 107910, 2021
Dynamic mathematical modelling of the removal of hydrophilic VOCs by biotrickling filters
P San-Valero, JM Penya-Roja, FJ Álvarez-Hornos, P Marzal, C Gabaldón
International Journal of environmental research and public health 12 (1 …, 2015
Effects of nitrogen source and empty bed residence time on the removal of styrene gaseous emissions by biotrickling filtration
F Sempere, V Martínez-Soria, J Palau, JM Penya-Roja, P San-Valero, ...
Bioprocess and biosystems engineering 34, 859-867, 2011
Biotrickling filter modeling for styrene abatement. Part 2: Simulating a two-phase partitioning bioreactor
P San-Valero, AD Dorado, G Quijano, FJ Álvarez-Hornos, C Gabaldón
Chemosphere 191, 1075-1082, 2018
Fed-batch simultaneous saccharification and fermentation including in-situ recovery for enhanced butanol production from rice straw
A Valles, J Álvarez-Hornos, M Capilla, P San-Valero, C Gabaldón
Bioresource Technology 342, 126020, 2021
Anaerobic degradation of glycol ether-ethanol mixtures using EGSB and hybrid reactors: Performance comparison and ether cleavage pathway
P Ferrero, P San-Valero, C Gabaldón, V Martínez-Soria, JM Penya-Roja
Journal of environmental management 213, 159-167, 2018
Anaerobic degradation of 2-propanol: Laboratory and pilot-scale studies
N Vermorel, P San-Valero, M Izquierdo, C Gabaldón, JM Penya-Roja
Chemical Engineering Science 172, 42-51, 2017
Aspen Plus process-simulation model: Producing biogas from VOC emissions in an anaerobic bioscrubber
D Bravo, FJ Álvarez-Hornos, JM Penya-Roja, P San-Valero, C Gabaldón
Journal of environmental management 213, 530-540, 2018
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Articles 1–20