Romain Lebrun
Romain Lebrun
Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales
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Tunable long-distance spin transport in a crystalline antiferromagnetic iron oxide
R Lebrun, A Ross, SA Bender, A Qaiumzadeh, L Baldrati, J Cramer, ...
Nature 561 (7722), 222-225, 2018
Advances in magnetics roadmap on spin-wave computing
AV Chumak, P Kabos, M Wu, C Abert, C Adelmann, AO Adeyeye, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58 (6), 1-72, 2022
Mechanism of Néel order switching in antiferromagnetic thin films revealed by magnetotransport and direct imaging
L Baldrati, O Gomonay, A Ross, M Filianina, R Lebrun, R Ramos, ...
Physical review letters 123 (17), 177201, 2019
Efficient synchronization of dipolarly coupled vortex-based spin transfer nano-oscillators
N Locatelli, A Hamadeh, FA Araujo, AD Belanovsky, PN Skirdkov, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (10.1038/srep17039), 2015
Mutual synchronization of spin torque nano-oscillators through a long-range and tunable electrical coupling scheme
R Lebrun, S Tsunegi, P Bortolotti, H Kubota, AS Jenkins, M Romera, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15825, 2017
Long-distance spin-transport across the Morin phase transition up to room temperature in ultra-low damping single crystals of the antiferromagnet α-Fe2O3
R Lebrun, A Ross, O Gomonay, V Baltz, U Ebels, AL Barra, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 6332, 2020
Spin-torque resonant expulsion of the vortex core for an efficient radiofrequency detection scheme
AS Jenkins, R Lebrun, E Grimaldi, S Tsunegi, P Bortolotti, H Kubota, ...
Nature nanotechnology 11 (4), 360-364, 2016
Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and chiral magnetic textures in a ferrimagnetic insulator
S Ding, A Ross, R Lebrun, S Becker, K Lee, I Boventer, S Das, ...
Physical Review B (R) 100, 100406, 2019
High emission power and Q factor in spin torque vortex oscillator consisting of FeB free layer
S Tsunegi, H Kubota, K Yakushiji, M Konoto, S Tamaru, A Fukushima, ...
Applied Physics Express 7 (6), 063009, 2014
Propagation length of antiferromagnetic magnons governed by domain configurations
A Ross, R Lebrun, O Gomonay, DA Grave, A Kay, L Baldrati, S Becker, ...
Nano Letters 20 (1), 306-313, 2020
Anisotropies and magnetic phase transitions in insulating antiferromagnets determined by a Spin-Hall magnetoresistance probe
R Lebrun, A Ross, O Gomonay, S Bender, L Baldrati, F Kronast, ...
Communications Physics 2 (50), 2019
Ultrafast spin-currents and charge conversion at 3d-5d interfaces probed by time-domain terahertz spectroscopy
TH Dang, J Hawecker, E Rongione, G Baez Flores, DQ To, ...
Applied Physics Reviews 7 (4), 2020
Scaling up electrically synchronized spin torque oscillator networks
S Tsunegi, T Taniguchi, R Lebrun, K Yakushiji, V Cros, J Grollier, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 13475, 2018
Understanding of phase noise squeezing under fractional synchronization of non-linear spin transfer vortex oscillator
R Lebrun, A Jenkins, A Dussaux, N Locatelli, S Tsunegi, E Grimaldi, ...
Physical Review Letters 115, 017201, 2015
Control of the coupling strength and linewidth of a cavity magnon-polariton
I Boventer, C Dörflinger, T Wolz, R Macêdo, R Lebrun, M Kläui, M Weides
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 013154, 2020
Room-temperature antiferromagnetic resonance and inverse spin-Hall voltage in canted antiferromagnets
I Boventer, HT Simensen, A Anane, M Kläui, A Brataas, R Lebrun
Physical review letters 126 (18), 187201, 2021
Efficient spin torques in antiferromagnetic CoO/Pt quantified by comparing field-and current-induced switching
L Baldrati, C Schmitt, O Gomonay, R Lebrun, R Ramos, E Saitoh, J Sinova, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (077201), 2020
Perfect and robust phase-locking of a spin transfer vortex nano-oscillator to an external microwave source
A Hamadeh, N Locatelli, VV Naletov, R Lebrun, G De Loubens, J Grollier, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (2), 2014
Emission of coherent THz magnons in an antiferromagnetic insulator triggered by ultrafast spin–phonon interactions
E Rongione, O Gueckstock, M Mattern, O Gomonay, H Meer, C Schmitt, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 1818, 2023
Origin of spectral purity and tuning sensitivity in a spin transfer vortex nano-oscillator
A Hamadeh, N Locatelli, VV Naletov, R Lebrun, G De Loubens, J Grollier, ...
Physical review letters 112 (25), 257201, 2014
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Artículos 1–20