Julien Lerat
Julien Lerat
Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO Environment, Canberra
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Crash testing hydrological models in contrasted climate conditions: An experiment on 216 Australian catchments
L Coron, V Andréassian, C Perrin, J Lerat, J Vaze, M Bourqui, F Hendrickx
Water Resources Research 48 (5), 2012
An integrated modelling framework for regulated river systems
WD Welsh, J Vaze, D Dutta, D Rassam, JM Rahman, ID Jolly, P Wallbrink, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 39, 81-102, 2013
Has land cover a significant impact on mean annual streamflow? An international assessment using 1508 catchments
L Oudin, V Andréassian, J Lerat, C Michel
Journal of hydrology 357 (3-4), 303-316, 2008
HESS Opinions" Crash tests for a standardized evaluation of hydrological models"
V Andréassian, C Perrin, L Berthet, N Le Moine, J Lerat, C Loumagne, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13 (10), 1757-1764, 2009
Hydrology under change: an evaluation protocol to investigate how hydrological models deal with changing catchments
G Thirel, V Andréassian, C Perrin, JN Audouy, L Berthet, P Edwards, ...
Hydrological Sciences Journal 60 (7-8), 1184-1199, 2015
Improving probabilistic prediction of daily streamflow by identifying P areto optimal approaches for modeling heteroscedastic residual errors
D McInerney, M Thyer, D Kavetski, J Lerat, G Kuczera
Water Resources Research 53 (3), 2199-2239, 2017
Rainfall-runoff modelling across southeast Australia: datasets, models and results
J Vaze, FHS Chiew, JM Perraud, N Viney, D Post, J Teng, B Wang, J Lerat, ...
Australasian Journal of Water Resources 14 (2), 101-116, 2011
All that glitters is not gold: the case of calibrating hydrological models
V Andréassian, N Le Moine, C Perrin, MH Ramos, L Oudin, T Mathevet, ...
Hydrological Processes 26, p. 2206-p. 2210, 2012
Results of the DMIP 2 Oklahoma experiments
MB Smith, V Koren, Z Zhang, Y Zhang, SM Reed, Z Cui, F Moreda, ...
Journal of hydrology 418, 17-48, 2012
Assessing the impacts of climate change and dams on floodplain inundation and wetland connectivity in the wet–dry tropics of northern Australia
F Karim, D Dutta, S Marvanek, C Petheram, C Ticehurst, J Lerat, S Kim, ...
Journal of Hydrology 522, 80-94, 2015
The Australian water resource assessment modelling system (AWRA)
J Vaze, N Viney, M Stenson, L Renzullo, A Van Dijk, D Dutta, R Crosbie, ...
Proceedings of the 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation …, 2013
Do internal flow measurements improve the calibration of rainfall‐runoff models?
J Lerat, V Andréassian, C Perrin, J Vaze, JM Perraud, P Ribstein, ...
Water Resources Research 48 (2), 2012
What is really undermining hydrologic science today?
V Andréassian, J Lerat, C Loumagne, T Mathevet, C Michel, L Oudin, ...
Neighbors: Nature’s own hydrological models
V Andréassian, J Lerat, N Le Moine, C Perrin
Journal of Hydrology 414, 49-58, 2012
Climate elasticity of streamflow revisited–an elasticity index based on long-term hydrometeorological records
V Andréassian, L Coron, J Lerat, N Le Moine
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (11), 4503-4524, 2016
Evaluating post-processing approaches for monthly and seasonal streamflow forecasts
F Woldemeskel, D McInerney, J Lerat, M Thyer, D Kavetski, D Shin, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (12), 6257-6278, 2018
Streamflow rating uncertainty: Characterisation and impacts on model calibration and performance
JL Peña-Arancibia, Y Zhang, DE Pagendam, NR Viney, J Lerat, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 63, 32-44, 2015
Storage-based approaches to build floodplain inundation modelling capability in river system models for water resources planning and accounting
D Dutta, J Teng, J Vaze, J Lerat, J Hughes, S Marvanek
Journal of Hydrology 504, 12-28, 2013
Towards robust methods to couple lumped rainfall–runoff models and hydraulic models: A sensitivity analysis on the Illinois River
J Lerat, C Perrin, V Andréassian, C Loumagne, P Ribstein
Journal of Hydrology 418, 123-135, 2012
Streamflow naturalization methods: a review
M Terrier, C Perrin, A De Lavenne, V Andréassian, J Lerat, J Vaze
Hydrological Sciences Journal 66 (1), 12-36, 2021
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Articles 1–20