Robert A. Connolly
Robert A. Connolly
UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School
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Stock market uncertainty and the stock-bond return relation
R Connolly, C Stivers, L Sun
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 40 (1), 161-194, 2005
An examination of the robustness of the weekend effect
RA Connolly
Journal of Financial and quantitative Analysis 24 (2), 133-169, 1989
Union rent seeking, intangible capital, and market value of the firm
RA Connolly, BT Hirsch, M Hirschey
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 567-577, 1986
International equity market comovements: Economic fundamentals or contagion?
RA Connolly, FA Wang
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 11 (1), 23-43, 2003
Firm size and the effect of R&D on Tobin's q
RA Connolly, M Hirschey
R&d Management 35 (2), 217-223, 2005
R & D, market structure and profits: A value-based approach
RA Connolly, M Hirschey
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 682-686, 1984
Momentum and reversals in equity‐index returns during periods of abnormal turnover and return dispersion
R Connolly, C Stivers
The Journal of Finance 58 (4), 1521-1556, 2003
Commonality in the time-variation of stock–stock and stock–bond return comovements
RA Connolly, C Stivers, L Sun
Journal of Financial Markets 10 (2), 192-218, 2007
Do unions capture monopoly profits?
BT Hirsch, RA Connolly
ILR Review 41 (1), 118-136, 1987
Market value and patents: A Bayesian approach
RA Connolly, M Hirschey
Economics Letters 27 (1), 83-87, 1988
A posterior odds analysis of the weekend effect
RA Connolly
Journal of econometrics 49 (1-2), 51-104, 1991
The nature and causes of foreign currency exposure
JJ Pringle, RA Connolly
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 6 (3), 61-72, 1993
Regime‐switching in stock index and Treasury futures returns and measures of stock market stress
N Bansal, RA Connolly, C Stivers
Journal of Futures Markets: Futures, Options, and Other Derivative Products …, 2010
The stock-bond return relation, the term structure’s slope, and asset-class risk dynamics
N Bansal, RA Connolly, C Stivers
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 49 (3), 699-724, 2014
Firm size and R&D effectiveness: a value-based test
RA Connolly, M Hirschey
Economics Letters 32 (3), 277-281, 1990
Skill, luck, and streaky play on the PGA tour
RA Connolly, RJ Rendleman Jr
Journal of the American Statistical Association 103 (481), 74-88, 2008
On stock market return co-movements: macroeconomic news, dispersion of beliefs, and contagion
RA Connolly, FA Wang
Dispersion of Beliefs, and Contagion (June 2000), 2000
The intertemporal behavior of economic profits
RA Connolly, S Schwartz
International Journal of Industrial Organization 3 (4), 379-400, 1985
Information content and other characteristics of the daily cross-sectional dispersion in stock returns
R Connolly, C Stivers
Journal of Empirical Finance 13 (1), 79-112, 2006
Economic news and stock market linkages: Evidence from the US, UK and Japan
RA Connolly, FA Wang
Proceedings of the Second Joint Central Bank Research Conference on Risk …, 1998
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Articles 1–20