Alberto Vasconcellos Inda
Alberto Vasconcellos Inda
Professor de Ciência do Solo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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Iron oxides and organic matter on soil phosphorus availability
JR Fink, AV Inda, T Tiecher, V Barrón
Ciencia e agrotecnologia 40, 369-379, 2016
Adsorption and desorption of phosphorus in subtropical soils as affected by management system and mineralogy
JR Fink, AV Inda, J Bavaresco, V Barrón, J Torrent, C Bayer
Soil and Tillage Research 155, 62-68, 2016
Mineralogy and phosphorus adsorption in soils of south and central-west Brazil under conventional and no-tillage systems
JR Fink, AV Inda, C Bayer, J Torrent, V Barrón
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy 36, 379-387, 2014
Digital soil mapping using multiple logistic regression on terrain parameters in southern Brazil
E Giasson, RT Clarke, AV Inda Junior, GH Merten, CG Tornquist
Scientia Agricola 63, 262-268, 2006
Basalt and rhyo-dacite weathering and soil clay formation under subtropical climate in southern Brazil
L Caner, LM Radtke, ML Vignol-Lelarge, AV Inda, EC Bortoluzzi, ...
Geoderma 235, 100-112, 2014
Soil weathering analysis using a portable X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) spectrometer in an Inceptisol from the Brazilian Cerrado
SHG Silva, AE Hartemink, AF dos Santos Teixeira, AV Inda, ...
Applied Clay Science 162, 27-37, 2018
Iron oxides in soils of different lithological origins in Ferriferous Quadrilateral (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
A de Carvalho Filho, AV Inda, JR Fink, N Curi
Applied Clay Science 118, 1-7, 2015
Variáveis relacionadas à estabilidade de complexos organo-minerais em solos tropicais e subtropicais brasileiros
AV Inda Junior, C Bayer, PC Conceição, M Boeni, JC Salton, AT Tonin
Ciência Rural 37, 1301-1307, 2007
Organic matter in constructed soils from a coal mining area in southern Brazil
DP Dick, H Knicker, LG Ávila, AV Inda Jr, E Giasson, CA Bissani
Organic geochemistry 37 (11), 1537-1545, 2006
Strength attributes and compaction susceptibility of Brazilian Latosols
AE Ajayi, MSD Junior, N Curi, CFA Junior, TTT Souza, AVI Junior
Soil and Tillage Research 105 (1), 122-127, 2009
Avaliação de procedimentos de extração dos óxidos de ferro pedogênicos com ditionito-citrato-bicarbonato de sódio
AV Inda Junior, N Kämpf
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do solo 27, 1139-1147, 2003
Iron oxides dynamics in a subtropical Brazilian Paleudult under long-term no-tillage management
AV Inda, J Torrent, V Barrón, C Bayer, JR Fink
Scientia Agricola 70, 48-54, 2013
Variabilidade de goethita e hematita via dissolução redutiva em solos de região tropical e subtropical
AV Inda Junior, N Kämpf
Revista brasileira de ciência do solo 29, 851-866, 2005
Phosphorus adsorption and desorption in undisturbed samples from subtropical soils under conventional tillage or no‐tillage
JR Fink, AV Inda, J Bavaresco, V Barrón, J Torrent, C Bayer
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179 (2), 198-205, 2016
Diffusion and uptake of phosphorus, and root development of corn seedlings, in three contrasting subtropical soils under conventional tillage or no-tillage
JR Fink, AV Inda, J Bavaresco, AR Sánchez-Rodríguez, V Barrón, ...
Biology and Fertility of Soils 52, 203-210, 2016
Óxidos de ferro em Latossolos tropicais e subtropicais brasileiros em plantio direto
LF Silva Neto, AV Inda, C Bayer, DP Dick, AT Tonin
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 32, 1873-1881, 2008
Estudo comparativo da matéria orgânica de diferentes classes de solos de altitude do sul do Brasil por técnicas convencionais e espectroscópicas
DP Dick, LB Silva, AV Inda, H Knicker
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 32, 2289-2296, 2008
Identification of minerals in subtropical soils with different textural classes by VIS–NIR–SWIR reflectance spectroscopy
JA Coblinski, AV Inda, JAM Dematte, AC Dotto, A Gholizadeh, E Giasson
Catena 203, 105334, 2021
Maghemite quantification and magnetic signature of Brazilian soils with contrasting parent materials
GC Poggere, AV Inda, V Barrón, N Kämpf, ADB de Brito, JZ Barbosa, ...
Applied Clay Science 161, 385-394, 2018
Relation of strength and mineralogical attributes in Brazilian Latosols
AE Ajayi, MSD Junior, N Curi, I Gontijo, CF Araujo-Junior, AIV Junior
Soil and Tillage Research 102 (1), 14-18, 2009
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Artículos 1–20