Paul Kardol
Cited by
Cited by
Plant–soil feedbacks: the past, the present and future challenges
WH Van der Putten, RD Bardgett, JD Bever, TM Bezemer, BB Casper, ...
Journal of Ecology 101 (2), 265-276, 2013
Soil nematode abundance and functional group composition at a global scale
J Van Den Hoogen, S Geisen, D Routh, H Ferris, W Traunspurger, ...
Nature 572 (7768), 194-198, 2019
Temporal variation in plant–soil feedback controls succession
P Kardol, T Martijn Bezemer, WH Van Der Putten
Ecology letters 9 (9), 1080-1088, 2006
Microbe-mediated plant-soil feedback causes historical contingency effects in plant community assembly
P Kardol, NJ Cornips, MML Van Kempen, JMT Bakx-Schotman, ...
Ecological monographs 77 (2), 147-162, 2007
How understanding aboveground–belowground linkages can assist restoration ecology
P Kardol, DA Wardle
Trends in ecology & evolution 25 (11), 670-679, 2010
Soil ecosystem functioning under climate change: plant species and community effects
P Kardol, MA Cregger, CE Campany, AT Classen
Ecology 91 (3), 767-781, 2010
A meta-analysis of 1,119 manipulative experiments on terrestrial carbon-cycling responses to global change
J Song, S Wan, S Piao, AK Knapp, AT Classen, S Vicca, P Ciais, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (9), 1309-1320, 2019
Plant-soil feedback and the maintenance of diversity in Mediterranean-climate shrublands
FP Teste, P Kardol, BL Turner, DA Wardle, G Zemunik, M Renton, ...
Science 355 (6321), 173-176, 2017
The ratio of Gram-positive to Gram-negative bacterial PLFA markers as an indicator of carbon availability in organic soils
N Fanin, P Kardol, M Farrell, MC Nilsson, MJ Gundale, DA Wardle
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 128, 111-114, 2019
Plant–soil feedback: bridging natural and agricultural sciences
P Mariotte, Z Mehrabi, TM Bezemer, GB De Deyn, A Kulmatiski, B Drigo, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 33 (2), 129-142, 2018
Climate change effects on soil microarthropod abundance and community structure
P Kardol, WN Reynolds, RJ Norby, AT Classen
Applied Soil Ecology 47 (1), 37-44, 2011
Climate change effects on plant biomass alter dominance patterns and community evenness in an experimental old‐field ecosystem
P Kardol, CE Campany, L Souza, RJ Norby, JF Weltzin, AT Classen
Global Change Biology 16 (10), 2676-2687, 2010
Fungal biomass development in a chronosequence of land abandonment
A van der Wal, JA van Veen, W Smant, HTS Boschker, J Bloem, P Kardol, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (1), 51-60, 2006
Nitrogen deposition weakens plant–microbe interactions in grassland ecosystems
C Wei, Q Yu, E Bai, X Lü, QI Li, J Xia, P Kardol, W Liang, Z Wang, X Han
Global change biology 19 (12), 3688-3697, 2013
Global patterns and substrate‐based mechanisms of the terrestrial nitrogen cycle
S Niu, AT Classen, JS Dukes, P Kardol, L Liu, Y Luo, L Rustad, J Sun, ...
Ecology letters 19 (6), 697-709, 2016
Nonlinearity of root trait relationships and the root economics spectrum
D Kong, J Wang, H Wu, OJ Valverde-Barrantes, R Wang, H Zeng, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 2203, 2019
A test of the hierarchical model of litter decomposition
MA Bradford, GF Veen, A Bonis, EM Bradford, AT Classen, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (12), 1836-1845, 2017
Biotic plant–soil feedbacks across temporal scales
P Kardol, GB De Deyn, E Laliberté, P Mariotte, CV Hawkes
Journal of Ecology 101 (2), 309-315, 2013
Rhizosphere control of soil nitrogen cycling: a key component of plant economic strategies
L Henneron, P Kardol, DA Wardle, C Cros, S Fontaine
New Phytologist 228 (4), 1269-1282, 2020
Effects of agricultural intensification on soil biodiversity and implications for ecosystem functioning: a meta-analysis
MA de Graaff, N Hornslein, HL Throop, P Kardol, LTA van Diepen
Advances in agronomy 155, 1-44, 2019
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Articles 1–20