boyu zhang
boyu zhang
Beijing Normal University,
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Cited by
Costly punishment does not always increase cooperation
JJ Wu, BY Zhang, ZX Zhou, QQ He, XD Zheng, R Cressman, Y Tao
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (41), 17448-17451, 2009
The evolution of sanctioning institutions: an experimental approach to the social contract
B Zhang, C Li, H De Silva, P Bednarik, K Sigmund
Experimental Economics 17, 285-303, 2014
Cooperation and evolutionary dynamics in the public goods game with institutional incentives
R Cressman, JW Song, BY Zhang, Y Tao
Journal of Theoretical Biology 299, 144-151, 2012
Emergence of communities and diversity in social networks
X Han, S Cao, Z Shen, B Zhang, WX Wang, R Cressman, HE Stanley
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (11), 2887-2891, 2017
The dynamics of human behavior in the public goods game with institutional incentives
Y Dong, B Zhang, Y Tao
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 28809, 2016
Endogenous rewards promote cooperation
CL Yang, B Zhang, G Charness, C Li, JW Lien
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (40), 9968-9973, 2018
The role of institutional incentives and the exemplar in promoting cooperation
JJ Wu, C Li, BY Zhang, R Cressman, Y Tao
Scientific reports 4 (1), 6421, 2014
Opting out against defection leads to stable coexistence with cooperation
BY Zhang, SJ Fan, C Li, XD Zheng, JZ Bao, R Cressman, Y Tao
Scientific reports 6 (1), 35902, 2016
Stability analysis of a two-species model with transitions between population interactions
B Zhang, Z Zhang, Z Li, Y Tao
Journal of Theoretical Biology 248 (1), 145-153, 2007
Fashion and homophily
BY Zhang, ZG Cao, CZ Qin, XG Yang
Available at SSRN 2250898, 2013
The competitive advantage of institutional reward
Y Dong, T Sasaki, B Zhang
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1899), 20190001, 2019
A simple rule of direct reciprocity leads to the stable coexistence of cooperation and defection in the Prisoner's Dilemma game
XD Zheng, C Li, JR Yu, SC Wang, SJ Fan, BY Zhang, Y Tao
Journal of Theoretical Biology 420, 12-17, 2017
Conditional cooperator enhances institutional punishment in public goods game
B Zhang, X An, Y Dong
Applied Mathematics and Computation 390, 125600, 2021
Evolution of conformity in social dilemmas
Y Dong, C Li, Y Tao, B Zhang
PLoS One 10 (9), e0137435, 2015
Drivers of energy-related PM2. 5 emissions in the Jing-Jin-Ji region between 2002 and 2015
Y Li, B Chen, D Fang, B Zhang, J Bai, G Liu, Y Zhang
Applied Energy 288, 116668, 2021
Quantal response methods for equilibrium selection in normal form games
B Zhang
Journal of Mathematical Economics 64, 113-123, 2016
Equilibrium selection via replicator dynamics in coordination games
B Zhang, J Hofbauer
International Journal of Game Theory 44, 433-448, 2015
Evolution of cooperation in a heterogeneous graph: Fixation probabilities under weak selection
C Li, B Zhang, R Cressman, Y Tao
PloS one 8 (6), e66560, 2013
Quantal response methods for equilibrium selection in 2× 2 coordination games
B Zhang, J Hofbauer
Games and Economic Behavior 97, 19-31, 2016
Combining spatially resolved hydrochemical data with in-vitro nanoparticle stability testing: Assessing environmental behavior of functionalized gold nanoparticles on a …
J Liu, F Von der Kammer, B Zhang, S Legros, T Hofmann
Environment international 59, 53-62, 2013
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