Quantitative wood anatomy—practical guidelines G Von Arx, A Crivellaro, AL Prendin, K Čufar, M Carrer Frontiers in plant science 7, 781, 2016 | 251 | 2016 |
Quantification of uncertainties in conifer sap flow measured with the thermal dissipation method RL Peters, P Fonti, DC Frank, R Poyatos, C Pappas, A Kahmen, V Carraro, ... New Phytologist 219 (4), 1283-1299, 2018 | 110 | 2018 |
New research perspectives from a novel approach to quantify tracheid wall thickness AL Prendin, G Petit, M Carrer, P Fonti, J Björklund, G von Arx Tree physiology 37 (7), 976-983, 2017 | 87 | 2017 |
Retrospective analysis of wood anatomical traits reveals a recent extension in tree cambial activity in two high-elevation conifers M Carrer, D Castagneri, AL Prendin, G Petit, G von Arx Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 737, 2017 | 78 | 2017 |
Osmolality and non-structural carbohydrate composition in the secondary phloem of trees across a latitudinal gradient in Europe A Lintunen, T Paljakka, T Jyske, M Peltoniemi, F Sterck, G Von Arx, ... Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 726, 2016 | 78 | 2016 |
Xylem anatomical adjustments prioritize hydraulic efficiency over safety as Norway spruce trees grow taller AL Prendin, S Mayr, B Beikircher, G Von Arx, G Petit Tree Physiology 38 (8), 1088-1097, 2018 | 69 | 2018 |
Winter precipitation-not summer temperature-is still the main driver for Alpine shrub growth M Carrer, E Pellizzari, AL Prendin, M Pividori, M Brunetti Science of the total environment 682, 171-179, 2019 | 68 | 2019 |
RAPTOR: row and position tracheid organizer in R RL Peters, D Balanzategui, AG Hurley, G von Arx, AL Prendin, HE Cuny, ... Dendrochronologia 47, 10-16, 2018 | 44 | 2018 |
Axial xylem architecture of Larix decidua exposed to CO2 enrichment and soil warming at the tree line AL Prendin, G Petit, P Fonti, C Rixen, MA Dawes, G von Arx Functional Ecology 32 (2), 273-287, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
Recent waning snowpack in the Alps is unprecedented in the last six centuries M Carrer, R Dibona, AL Prendin, M Brunetti Nature Climate Change 13 (2), 155-160, 2023 | 37 | 2023 |
Immediate and carry‐over effects of insect outbreaks on vegetation growth in West Greenland assessed from cells to satellite AL Prendin, M Carrer, M Karami, J Hollesen, N Bjerregaard Pedersen, ... Journal of Biogeography 47 (1), 87-100, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Tree differences in primary and secondary growth drive convergent scaling in leaf area to sapwood area across Europe G Petit, G Von Arx, N Kiorapostolou, S Lechthaler, AL Prendin, T Anfodillo, ... New Phytologist 218 (4), 1383-1392, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |
Long-term impacts of defoliator outbreaks on larch xylem structure and tree-ring biomass D Castagneri, AL Prendin, RL Peters, M Carrer, G von Arx, P Fonti Frontiers in plant science 11, 1078, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Influences of summer warming and nutrient availability on Salix glauca L. growth in Greenland along an ice to sea gradient AL Prendin, S Normand, M Carrer, N Bjerregaard Pedersen, H Matthiesen, ... Scientific reports 12 (1), 3077, 2022 | 18 | 2022 |
Juniperus communis populations exhibit low variability in hydraulic safety and efficiency L Unterholzner, M Carrer, A Bär, B Beikircher, B Dämon, A Losso, ... Tree Physiology 40 (12), 1668-1679, 2020 | 15 | 2020 |
Axial conduit widening, tree height, and height growth rate set the hydraulic transition of sapwood into heartwood G Petit, M Mencuccini, M Carrer, AL Prendin, T Hölttä Journal of Experimental Botany 74 (17), 5072-5087, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Q-NET–a new scholarly network on quantitative wood anatomy G von Arx, M Carrer, A Crivellaro, V De Micco, P Fonti, F Lens, AL Prendin, ... Dendrochronologia 70, 125890, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Contrasting Climate Sensitivity of Pinus cembra Tree-Ring Traits in the Carpathians MI Știrbu, CC Roibu, M Carrer, A Mursa, L Unterholzner, AL Prendin Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 855003, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
Growth rings show limited evidence for ungulates’ potential to suppress shrubs across the Arctic KEM Vuorinen, G Austrheim, JP Tremblay, IH Myers-Smith, HI Hortman, ... Environmental Research Letters 17 (3), 034013, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
Xylem traits of peatland Scots pines reveal a complex climatic signal: A study in the Eastern Italian Alps A Dinella, F Giammarchi, AL Prendin, M Carrer, G Tonon Dendrochronologia 67, 125824, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |