Marion Pfeifer
Marion Pfeifer
Professor of Forest Landscape Restoration
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Creation of forest edges has a global impact on forest vertebrates
M Pfeifer, V Lefebvre, CA Peres, C Banks-Leite, OR Wearn, CJ Marsh, ...
Nature 551 (7679), 187-191, 2017
The relationship between leaf area index and microclimate in tropical forest and oil palm plantation: Forest disturbance drives changes in microclimate
SR Hardwick, R Toumi, M Pfeifer, EC Turner, R Nilus, RM Ewers
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 201, 187-195, 2015
Conserving large carnivores: dollars and fence
C Packer, A Loveridge, S Canney, T Caro, ST Garnett, M Pfeifer, ...
Ecology letters 16 (5), 635-641, 2013
Forest resilience and tipping points at different spatio‐temporal scales: approaches and challenges
CPO Reyer, N Brouwers, A Rammig, BW Brook, J Epila, RF Grant, ...
Journal of Ecology 103 (1), 5-15, 2015
Extinction filters mediate the global effects of habitat fragmentation on animals
MG Betts, C Wolf, M Pfeifer, C Banks-Leite, V Arroyo-Rodríguez, ...
Science 366 (6470), 1236-1239, 2019
Support for the habitat amount hypothesis from a global synthesis of species density studies
JI Watling, V Arroyo‐Rodríguez, M Pfeifer, L Baeten, C Banks‐Leite, ...
Ecology letters 23 (4), 674-681, 2020
Logging cuts the functional importance of invertebrates in tropical rainforest
RM Ewers, MJW Boyle, RA Gleave, NS Plowman, S Benedick, H Bernard, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6836, 2015
Protected areas: mixed success in conserving East Africa’s evergreen forests
M Pfeifer, ND Burgess, RD Swetnam, PJ Platts, S Willcock, R Marchant
PloS one 7 (6), e39337, 2012
Simulating the impact of discrete-return lidar system and survey characteristics over young conifer and broadleaf forests
MI Disney, V Kalogirou, P Lewis, A Prieto-Blanco, S Hancock, M Pfeifer
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (7), 1546-1560, 2010
Terrestrial ecosystems from space: a review of earth observation products for macroecology applications
M Pfeifer, M Disney, T Quaife, R Marchant
Global Ecology and Biogeography 21 (6), 603-624, 2012
Impacts of tropical selective logging on carbon storage and tree species richness: A meta-analysis
PA Martin, AC Newton, M Pfeifer, MS Khoo, JM Bullock
Forest Ecology and Management 356, 224-233, 2015
Mammalian species abundance across a gradient of tropical land-use intensity: A hierarchical multi-species modelling approach
OR Wearn, JM Rowcliffe, C Carbone, M Pfeifer, H Bernard, RM Ewers
Biological Conservation 212, 162-171, 2017
Mapping the structure of Borneo's tropical forests across a degradation gradient
M Pfeifer, L Kor, R Nilus, E Turner, J Cusack, I Lysenko, M Khoo, VK Chey, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 176, 84-97, 2016
Ethnic and locational differences in ecosystem service values: Insights from the communities in forest islands in the desert
A Cuni-Sanchez, M Pfeifer, R Marchant, ND Burgess
Ecosystem Services 19, 42-50, 2016
Long‐term demographic fluctuations in an orchid species driven by weather: implications for conservation planning
M Pfeifer, K Wiegand, W Heinrich, G Jetschke
Journal of Applied Ecology 43 (2), 313-324, 2006
Deadwood biomass: an underestimated carbon stock in degraded tropical forests?
M Pfeifer, V Lefebvre, E Turner, J Cusack, MS Khoo, VK Chey, M Peni, ...
Environmental Research Letters 10 (4), 044019, 2015
Estimating aboveground carbon density and its uncertainty in Borneo's structurally complex tropical forests using airborne laser scanning
T Jucker, GP Asner, M Dalponte, PG Brodrick, CD Philipson, NR Vaughn, ...
Biogeosciences 15 (12), 3811-3830, 2018
The effects of catchment and riparian forest quality on stream environmental conditions across a tropical rainforest and oil palm landscape in Malaysian Borneo
SH Luke, H Barclay, K Bidin, VK Chey, RM Ewers, WA Foster, A Nainar, ...
Ecohydrology 10 (4), e1827, 2017
How social considerations improve the equity and effectiveness of ecosystem restoration
S Löfqvist, F Kleinschroth, A Bey, A De Bremond, R DeFries, J Dong, ...
BioScience 73 (2), 134-148, 2023
Climate change and pastoralists: perceptions and adaptation in montane Kenya
A Cuni-Sanchez, P Omeny, M Pfeifer, L Olaka, MB Mamo, R Marchant, ...
Climate and Development 11 (6), 513-524, 2019
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Articles 1–20