Mechanistic interpretation of carbon isotope discrimination by marine macroalgae and seagrasses JA Raven, AM Johnston, JE Kübler, R Korb, SG McInroy, LL Handley, ... Functional Plant Biology 29 (3), 355-378, 2002 | 399 | 2002 |
Seagrass degradation in Australian coastal waters DI Walker, AJ McComb Marine Pollution Bulletin 25 (5-8), 191-195, 1992 | 356 | 1992 |
Effect of boat moorings on seagrass beds near Perth, Western Australia DI Walker, RJ Lukatelich, G Bastyan, AJ McComb Aquatic Botany 36 (1), 69-77, 1989 | 264 | 1989 |
Coral death from sewage and phosphate pollution at Aqaba, Red Sea DI Walker, RFG Ormond Marine Pollution Bulletin 13 (1), 21-25, 1982 | 254 | 1982 |
Productivity and nutrient limitation K Hillman, DI Walker, AWD Larkum, AJ McComb Biology of seagrasses: a treatise on the biology of seagrasses with special …, 1989 | 242 | 1989 |
Threats to macroalgal diversity: marine habitat destruction and fragmentation, pollution and introduced species DI Walker, GA Kendrick Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 41 (1-6), 105-112, 1998 | 181 | 1998 |
The distribution, biomass and primary production of the seagrass Halophila ovalis in the Swan/Canning Estuary, Western Australia K Hillman, AJ McComb, DI Walker Aquatic Botany 51 (1-2), 1-54, 1995 | 176 | 1995 |
Seagrass ecosystems: their global status and prospects CM Duarte, J Borum, FT Short, DI Walker Aquatic ecosystems: trends and global prospects, 281-294, 2008 | 172 | 2008 |
Radial oxygen loss from intact roots of Halophila ovalis as a function of distance behind the root tip and shoot illumination EL Connell, TD Colmer, DI Walker Aquatic Botany 63 (3-4), 219-228, 1999 | 170 | 1999 |
Biology of posidonia S Gobert, M Cambridge, B Velimirov, G Pergent, G Lepoint, ... Seagrasses: Biology, ecology and conservation, 387-408, 2006 | 167 | 2006 |
Extreme climate events lower resilience of foundation seagrass at edge of biogeographical range MW Fraser, GA Kendrick, J Statton, RK Hovey, A Zavala‐Perez, DI Walker Journal of Ecology 102 (6), 1528-1536, 2014 | 166 | 2014 |
Seagrasses of south–west Australia: A conceptual synthesis of the world's most diverse and extensive seagrass meadows TJB Carruthers, WC Dennison, GA Kendrick, M Waycott, DI Walker, ... Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 350 (1-2), 21-45, 2007 | 154 | 2007 |
Dispersal of propagules of Sargassum spp.(Sargassaceae: Phaeophyta): Observations of local patterns of dispersal and consequences for recruitment and population structure GA Kendrick, DI Walker Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 192 (2), 273-288, 1995 | 148 | 1995 |
Dispersal distances for propagules of Sargassum spinuligerum(Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta) measured directly by vital staining and venturi suction sampling. GA Kendrick, DI Walker Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 79 (1), 133-138, 1991 | 144 | 1991 |
Regional sudies-seagrasses of tropical Australia IR Poiner Biology of Seagrasses, A Treatise on the Biology of Sea-grasses with Sp …, 1989 | 133 | 1989 |
Decline and recovery of seagrass ecosystems—the dynamics of change AWD LARKUM, RJ ORTH, CM DUARTE, DI Walker, GA Kendrick, ... Seagrasses: Biology, Ecologyand Conservation, 551-565, 2006 | 131 | 2006 |
The distribution of seagrass species in Shark Bay, Western Australia, with notes on their ecology DI Walker, GA Kendrick, AJ McComb Aquatic Botany 30 (4), 305-317, 1988 | 129 | 1988 |
DNA barcodes of fish of the Scotia Sea, Antarctica indicate priority groups for taxonomic and systematics focus J Rock, FO Costa, DI Walker, AW North, WF Hutchinson, GR Carvalho Antarctic Science 20 (3), 253-262, 2008 | 121 | 2008 |
Nitrogen uptake and allocation in the seagrass Amphibolis antarctica MF Pedersen, EI Paling, DI Walker Aquatic botany 56 (2), 105-117, 1997 | 119 | 1997 |
Seaweeds in cold seas: evolution and carbon acquisition JA Raven, AM Johnston, JE Kübler, R Korb, SG McInroy, LL Handley, ... Annals of Botany 90 (4), 525-536, 2002 | 115 | 2002 |