Anand Gnanadesikan
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Cited by
Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms
JC Orr, VJ Fabry, O Aumont, L Bopp, SC Doney, RA Feely, ...
Nature 437 (7059), 681-686, 2005
GFDL's CM2 global coupled climate models. Part I: Formulation and simulation characteristics
TL Delworth, AJ Broccoli, A Rosati, RJ Stouffer, V Balaji, JA Beesley, ...
Journal of Climate 19 (5), 643-674, 2006
A synthesis of global particle export from the surface ocean and cycling through the ocean interior and on the seafloor
JP Dunne, JL Sarmiento, A Gnanadesikan
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 21 (4), 2007
A simple predictive model for the structure of the oceanic pycnocline
A Gnanadesikan
Science 283 (5410), 2077-2079, 1999
The role of eddies in determining the structure and response of the wind-driven Southern Hemisphere overturning: Results from the Modeling Eddies in the Southern Ocean (MESO …
R Hallberg, A Gnanadesikan
Journal of Physical Oceanography 36 (12), 2232-2252, 2006
Empirical and mechanistic models for the particle export ratio
JP Dunne, RA Armstrong, A Gnanadesikan, JL Sarmiento
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19 (4), 2005
Formulation of an ocean model for global climate simulations
SM Griffies, A Gnanadesikan, KW Dixon, JP Dunne, R Gerdes, ...
Ocean Science 1 (1), 45-79, 2005
The southern ocean biogeochemical divide
I Marinov, A Gnanadesikan, JR Toggweiler, JL Sarmiento
Nature 441 (7096), 964-967, 2006
The Southern Hemisphere westerlies in a warming world: Propping open the door to the deep ocean
JL Russell, KW Dixon, A Gnanadesikan, RJ Stouffer, JR Toggweiler
Journal of Climate 19 (24), 6382-6390, 2006
The GFDL CM3 coupled climate model: characteristics of the ocean and sea ice simulations
SM Griffies, M Winton, LJ Donner, LW Horowitz, SM Downes, R Farneti, ...
Journal of Climate 24 (13), 3520-3544, 2011
GFDL's CM2 global coupled climate models. Part II: The baseline ocean simulation
A Gnanadesikan, KW Dixon, SM Griffies, V Balaji, M Barreiro, JA Beesley, ...
Journal of climate 19 (5), 675-697, 2006
Isoneutral diffusion in a z-coordinate ocean model
SM Griffies, A Gnanadesikan, RC Pacanowski, VD Larichev, JK Dukowicz, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 28 (5), 805-830, 1998
Evaluating global ocean carbon models: The importance of realistic physics
SC Doney, K Lindsay, K Caldeira, JM Campin, H Drange, JC Dutay, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18 (3), 2004
Transient Response in a Z -Level Ocean Model That Resolves Topography with Partial Cells
RC Pacanowski, A Gnanadesikan
Monthly Weather Review 126 (12), 3248-3270, 1998
A new estimate of the CaCO3 to organic carbon export ratio
JL Sarmiento, J Dunne, A Gnanadesikan, RM Key, K Matsumoto, R Slater
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16 (4), 54-1-54-12, 2002
Evaluation of ocean carbon cycle models with data‐based metrics
K Matsumoto, JL Sarmiento, RM Key, O Aumont, JL Bullister, K Caldeira, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (7), 2004
Regional impacts of iron-light colimitation in a global biogeochemical model
ED Galbraith, A Gnanadesikan, JP Dunne, MR Hiscock
Biogeosciences 7 (3), 1043-1064, 2010
Impacts of shortwave penetration depth on large-scale ocean circulation and heat transport
C Sweeney, A Gnanadesikan, SM Griffies, MJ Harrison, AJ Rosati, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 35 (6), 1103-1119, 2005
Simulation of density-driven frictional downslope flow in z-coordinate ocean models
M Winton, R Hallberg, A Gnanadesikan
Journal of Physical Oceanography 28 (11), 2163-2174, 1998
On the relationship of the Circumpolar Current to Southern Hemisphere winds in coarse-resolution ocean models
A Gnanadesikan, RW Hallberg
Journal of Physical Oceanography 30 (8), 2013-2034, 2000
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Articles 1–20