Stefan Gehrer
Cited by
Cited by
Applications of machine learning techniques in side-channel attacks: a survey
B Hettwer, S Gehrer, T Güneysu
Journal of Cryptographic Engineering 10, 135-162, 2020
Deep neural network attribution methods for leakage analysis and symmetric key recovery
B Hettwer, S Gehrer, T Güneysu
Selected Areas in Cryptography–SAC 2019: 26th International Conference …, 2020
Profiled power analysis attacks using convolutional neural networks with domain knowledge
B Hettwer, S Gehrer, T Güneysu
International Conference on Selected Areas in Cryptography, 479-498, 2019
Lightweight Side-Channel Protection using Dynamic Clock Randomization
B Hettwer, K Das, S Leger, S Gehrer, T Güneysu
2020 30th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and …, 2020
Encoding Power Traces as Images for Efficient Side-Channel Analysis
B Hettwer, T Horn, S Gehrer, T Güneysu
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust …, 2020
Securing Cryptographic Circuits by Exploiting Implementation Diversity and Partial Reconfiguration on FPGAs
B Hettwer, J Petersen, S Gehrer, H Neumann, T Güneysu
2019 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 260-263, 2019
Side-channel analysis of the xilinx zynq ultrascale+ encryption engine
B Hettwer, S Leger, D Fennes, S Gehrer, T Güneysu
IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 279-304, 2021
Method for safeguarding a system-on-a-chip
S Gehrer, S Leger
US Patent 9,887,844, 2018
Using the reconfigurability of modern FPGAs for highly efficient PUF-based key generation
S Gehrer, G Sigl
2015 10th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric …, 2015
Reconfigurable pufs for fpga-based socs
S Gehrer, G Sigl
2014 International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC), 140-143, 2014
Highly Efficient Implementation of Physical Unclonable Functions on FPGAs
S Gehrer
Technische Universität München, 2017
Deep Learning Multi-Channel Fusion Attack Against Side-Channel Protected Hardware
B Hettwer, D Fennes, S Leger, J Richter-Brockmann, S Gehrer, ...
2020 57th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 1-6, 2020
Method for generating a cryptographic key in a system-on-a-chip
S Gehrer
US Patent 10,547,459, 2020
Aging effects on ring-oscillator-based physical unclonable functions on FPGAs
S Gehrer, S Leger, G Sigl
2015 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs …, 2015
Securing cryptographic circuits by exploiting implementation diversity and partial reconfiguration on FPGAs. In 2019 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition …
B Hettwer, J Petersen, S Gehrer, H Neumann, T Güneysu
IEEE, 2019
System and method for network intrusion detection based on physical measurements
JG Merchan, S Gehrer, S Jain, SR VANCHEESWARAN, T Lothspeich
US Patent 11,683,341, 2023
Area-efficient PUF-based key generation on system-on-chips with FPGAs
S Gehrer, G Sigl
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 25 (01), 1640002, 2016
System and method for intrusion detection on a physical level using an internal analog to digital converter
S Gehrer, JG Merchan, S Jain
US Patent App. 17/032,624, 2022
System and method for processing a data subject rights request using biometric data matching
C Zimmermann, S Trieflinger, FB Durak, S Gehrer
US Patent App. 17/518,142, 2023
Microcontroller program instruction execution fingerprinting and intrusion detection
M Uddin, S Gehrer, JG Merchan
US Patent 11,354,411, 2022
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Articles 1–20