Karina von Schuckmann
Karina von Schuckmann
Mercator Ocean International
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Cited by
Cited by
Changing ocean, marine ecosystems, and dependent communities
NL Bindoff, WWL Cheung, JG Kairo, J Arístegui, VA Guinder, R Hallberg, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Assessing “dangerous climate change”: Required reduction of carbon emissions to protect young people, future generations and nature
J Hansen, P Kharecha, M Sato, V Masson-Delmotte, F Ackerman, ...
PloS one 8 (12), e81648, 2013
Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms: evidence from paleoclimate data, climate modeling, and modern observations that 2 C global warming could be dangerous
J Hansen, M Sato, P Hearty, R Ruedy, M Kelley, V Masson-Delmotte, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (6), 3761-3812, 2016
Technical summary
PA Arias, N Bellouin, E Coppola, RG Jones, G Krinner, J Marotzke, V Naik, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Earth's energy imbalance and implications
J Hansen, M Sato, P Kharecha, K Von Schuckmann
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (24), 13421-13449, 2011
A review of global ocean temperature observations: Implications for ocean heat content estimates and climate change
JP Abraham, M Baringer, NL Bindoff, T Boyer, LJ Cheng, JA Church, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 51 (3), 450-483, 2013
Changing state of the climate system
SK Gulev, PW Thorne, J Ahn, FJ Dentener, CM Domingues, S Gerland, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Climate Change 2021: the physical science basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; technical summary
P Arias, N Bellouin, E Coppola, R Jones, G Krinner, J Marotzke, V Naik, ...
The rate of sea-level rise
A Cazenave, HB Dieng, B Meyssignac, K Von Schuckmann, B Decharme, ...
Nature Climate Change 4 (5), 358-361, 2014
An imperative to monitor Earth's energy imbalance
K von Schuckmann, MD Palmer, KE Trenberth, A Cazenave, D Chambers, ...
Nature Climate Change 6 (2), 138-144, 2016
Young people's burden: requirement of negative CO2 emissions
J Hansen, M Sato, P Kharecha, K Von Schuckmann, DJ Beerling, J Cao, ...
Earth System Dynamics 8 (3), 577-616, 2017
Global sea-level budget 1993-present
A Cazenave, B Meyssignac, M Ablain, M Balmaseda, J Bamber, ...
University Of Tasmania, 2018
Heat stored in the earth system: Where does the energy go? The GCOS earth heat inventory team
K Von Schuckmann, L Cheng, MD Palmer, C Tassone, V Aich, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2020, 1-45, 2020
The CORA dataset: validation and diagnostics of ocean temperature and salinity in situ measurements
C Cabanes, A Grouazel, K von Schuckmann, M Hamon, V Turpin, ...
Ocean Science Discussions 9 (2), 1273-1312, 2012
In situ–based reanalysis of the global ocean temperature and salinity with ISAS: Variability of the heat content and steric height
F Gaillard, T Reynaud, V Thierry, N Kolodziejczyk, K von Schuckmann
Journal of Climate 29 (4), 1305-1323, 2016
Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms: evidence from paleoclimate data, climate modeling, and modern observations that 2° C global warming is highly dangerous.
J Hansen, M Sato, P Hearty, R Ruedy, M Kelley, V Masson-Delmotte, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions 15 (15), 2015
Measuring global ocean heat content to estimate the Earth energy imbalance
B Meyssignac, T Boyer, Z Zhao, MZ Hakuba, FW Landerer, D Stammer, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 432, 2019
Evaluation of the global mean sea level budget between 1993 and 2014
DP Chambers, A Cazenave, N Champollion, H Dieng, W Llovel, ...
Integrative study of the mean sea level and its components, 315-333, 2017
From observation to information and users: The Copernicus Marine Service perspective
PY Le Traon, A Reppucci, E Alvarez Fanjul, L Aouf, A Behrens, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 234, 2019
Global warming in the pipeline
JE Hansen, M Sato, L Simons, LS Nazarenko, I Sangha, P Kharecha, ...
Oxford Open Climate Change 3 (1), kgad008, 2023
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Articles 1–20