David Galicia
David Galicia
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Identification guide of freshwater macroinvertebrates of Spain
J Oscoz, D Galicia, R Miranda
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Environmentally enriched male mink gain more copulations than stereotypic, barren-reared competitors
M Díez-León, J Bowman, S Bursian, H Filion, D Galicia, J Kanefsky, ...
PloS one 8 (11), e80494, 2013
Biodiversity data obsolescence and land uses changes
N Escribano, AH Ariño, D Galicia
PeerJ 4, e2743, 2016
Sex differentiation of Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis lusitanius): the use of biometrics, bill morphometrics and wing tip coloration
J Arizaga, A Aldalur, A Herrero, D Galicia
Waterbirds 31 (2), 211-219, 2008
Environmentally enriching American mink (Neovison vison) increases lymphoid organ weight and skeletal symmetry, and reveals differences between two sub-types of stereotypic …
M Díez-León, S Bursian, D Galicia, A Napolitano, R Palme, G Mason
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 177, 59-69, 2016
Clave dicotómica para la identificación de macroinvertebrados de la cuenca del Ebro
JO Escudero, D Galicia, R Miranda
Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro, 2011
Recommendations for monitoring freshwater fishes in river restoration plans: a wasted opportunity for assessing impact
AA Rodeles, D Galicia, R Miranda
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 27 (4), 880-885, 2017
A simple method to assess the fragmentation of freshwater fish meta-populations: Implications for river management and conservation
AA Rodeles, D Galicia, R Miranda
Ecological Indicators 125, 107557, 2021
A new method to include fish biodiversity in river connectivity indices with applications in dam impact assessments
AA Rodeles, D Galicia, R Miranda
Ecological Indicators 117, 106605, 2020
Weight–length relationships of some native freshwater fishes of Hidalgo State, Mexico
R Miranda, D Galicia, S Monks, G Pulido-Flores
J. Appl. Ichthyol 25, 620-621, 2009
Consideration of habitat quality in a river connectivity index for anadromous fishes
AA Rodeles, PM Leunda, J Elso, J Ardaiz, D Galicia, R Miranda
Inland Waters 9 (3), 278-288, 2019
The tragedy of the biodiversity data commons: a data impediment creeping nigher?
N Escribano, D Galicia, AH Ariño
Database 2018, bay033, 2018
Setting priorities for existing conservation needs of crayfish and mink
M Díez-León, R Miranda, AH Ariño, D Galicia
Conservation Biology 29 (2), 599-601, 2015
Global trends in research output by zoos and aquariums
N Escribano, AH Ariño, A Pino‐del‐Carpio, D Galicia, R Miranda
Conservation Biology 35 (6), 1894-1902, 2021
Habitat selection by breeding Common Kingfishers (Alcedo atthis L.) in rivers from Northern Iberia
A Vilches, R Miranda, J Arizaga, D Galicia
Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology 48 (3), 289-294, 2012
Macroinvertebrados de la Cuenca del Ebro: descripción de taxones y guía de identificación
J Oscoz, D Galicia, R Miranda
Dpto. de Zoología y Ecología. Universidad de Navarra, 2009
Barriers to longitudinal river connectivity: review of impacts, study methods and management for Iberian fish conservation
AA Rodeles, D Galicia, R Miranda
Limnetica 39 (2), 601-619, 2020
Diversity of freshwater fishes in Reserva de la Biosfera Barranca de Metztitlán, Hidalgo, Mexico, and recommendations for conservation
R Miranda, D Galicia, S Monks, G Pulido-Flores
The Southwestern Naturalist 57 (3), 285-291, 2012
Completeness of Digital Accessible Knowledge (DAK) about terrestrial mammals in the Iberian Peninsula
N Escribano, D Galicia, AH Ariño
PloS one 14 (3), e0213542, 2019
First record of Goodea atripinnis (Cyprinodontiformes: Goodeidae) in the state of Hidalgo (México) and some considerations about its taxonomic position
R Miranda, D Galicia, S Monks, G Pulido-Flore
Hidrobiológica 20 (2), 185-190, 2010
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Articles 1–20