Haris Vikalo
Haris Vikalo
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On the sphere-decoding algorithm I. Expected complexity
B Hassibi, H Vikalo
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53 (8), 2806-2818, 2005
Iterative decoding for MIMO channels via modified sphere decoding
H Vikalo, B Hassibi, T Kailath
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3 (6), 2299-2311, 2004
Greedy sensor selection: Leveraging submodularity
M Shamaiah, S Banerjee, H Vikalo
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2572-2577, 2010
On the sphere-decoding algorithm II. Generalizations, second-order statistics, and applications to communications
H Vikalo, B Hassibi
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53 (8), 2819-2834, 2005
Beam tracking for mobile millimeter wave communication systems
V Va, H Vikalo, RW Heath
2016 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP …, 2016
On the expected complexity of sphere decoding
B Hassibi, H Vikalo
Signals, Systems and Computers, 2001. Conference Record of the Thirty-Fifth …, 2001
Recovering sparse signals using sparse measurement matrices in compressed DNA microarrays
F Parvaresh, H Vikalo, S Misra, B Hassibi
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 2 (3), 275-285, 2008
Rate maximization in multi-antenna broadcast channels with linear preprocessing
M Stojnic, H Vikalo, B Hassibi
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5 (9), 2338-2342, 2006
On the expected complexity of integer least-squares problems
B Hassibi, H Vikalo
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2002 IEEE International …, 2002
Communication-efficient federated learning via optimal client sampling
M Ribero, H Vikalo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.15197, 2020
Real-time radio technology and modulation classification via an LSTM auto-encoder
Z Ke, H Vikalo
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (1), 370-382, 2021
On noise processes and limits of performance in biosensors
A Hassibi, H Vikalo, A Hajimiri
Journal of applied physics 102 (1), 2007
Federated dynamic sparse training: Computing less, communicating less, yet learning better
S Bibikar, H Vikalo, Z Wang, X Chen
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (6), 6080-6088, 2022
MIMO receive algorithms
T Kailath, H Vikalo, B Hassibi
Space-Time Wireless Systems: From Array Processing to MIMO Communications 3, 2, 2005
Energy efficient design of portable wireless systems
T Simunic, H Vikalo, P Glynn, G De Micheli
Proceedings of the 2000 international symposium on Low power electronics and …, 2000
Real time microarrays
A Hassibi, B Hassibi, H Vikalo, JL Riechmann
US Patent 9,133,504, 2015
Maximum-likelihood sequence detection of multiple antenna systems over dispersive channels via sphere decoding
H Vikalo, B Hassibi
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2002, 1-7, 2002
SDhaP: haplotype assembly for diploids and polyploids via semi-definite programming
S Das, H Vikalo
BMC Genomics 16 (1), 260, 2015
Multiplexed identification, quantification and genotyping of infectious agents using a semiconductor biochip
A Hassibi, A Manickam, R Singh, S Bolouki, R Sinha, KB Jirage, ...
Nature biotechnology 36 (8), 738-745, 2018
On the capacity of frequency-selective channels in training-based transmission schemes
H Vikalo, B Hassibi, B Hochwald, T Kailath
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 52 (9), 2572-2583, 2004
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Articles 1–20