Interactions between zooplankton and crude oil: toxic effects and bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons R Almeda, Z Wambaugh, Z Wang, C Hyatt, Z Liu, EJ Buskey PloS one 8 (6), e67212, 2013 | 278 | 2013 |
Massive outbreaks of Noctiluca scintillans blooms in the Arabian Sea due to spread of hypoxia H do Rosário Gomes, JI Goes, SGP Matondkar, EJ Buskey, S Basu, ... Nature communications 5 (1), 4862, 2014 | 251 | 2014 |
Swimming pattern as an indicator of the roles of copepod sensory systems in the recognition of food EJ Buskey Marine Biology 79, 165-175, 1984 | 224 | 1984 |
Locomotory patterns of microzooplankton: potential effects on food selectivity of larval fish EJ Buskey, C Coulter, S Strom Bulletin of Marine Science 53 (1), 29-43, 1993 | 222 | 1993 |
FIRST HARMFUL DINOPHYSIS (DINOPHYCEAE, DINOPHYSIALES) BLOOM IN THE U.S. IS REVEALED BY AUTOMATED IMAGING FLOW CYTOMETRY1 L Campbell, RJ Olson, HM Sosik, A Abraham, DW Henrichs, CJ Hyatt, ... Journal of Phycology 46 (1), 66-75, 2010 | 220 | 2010 |
Importance of Phaeocystis blooms in the high-latitude ocean carbon cycle WO Smith Jr, LA Codispoti, DM Nelson, T Manley, EJ Buskey, ... Nature 352 (6335), 514-516, 1991 | 210 | 1991 |
Escape behavior of planktonic copepods in response to hydrodynamic disturbances: high speed video analysis EJ Buskey, PH Lenz, DK Hartline Marine Ecology Progress Series 235, 135-146, 2002 | 206 | 2002 |
Toxicity of dispersant Corexit 9500A and crude oil to marine microzooplankton R Almeda, C Hyatt, EJ Buskey Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 106, 76-85, 2014 | 200 | 2014 |
Effects of the Texas (USA)\'brown tide\'alga on planktonic grazers EJ Buskey, CJ Hyatt Marine Ecology Progress Series 126, 285-292, 1995 | 165 | 1995 |
Use of the FlowCAM for semi-automated recognition and enumeration of red tide cells (Karenia brevis) in natural plankton samples EJ Buskey, CJ Hyatt Harmful Algae 5 (6), 685-692, 2006 | 162 | 2006 |
Disruption of grazer populations as a contributing factor to the initiation of the Texas brown tide algal bloom EJ Buskey, PA Montagna, AF Amos, TE Whitledge Limnology and Oceanography 42 (5part2), 1215-1222, 1997 | 160 | 1997 |
Effects of crude oil exposure on bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and survival of adult and larval stages of gelatinous zooplankton R Almeda, Z Wambaugh, C Chai, Z Wang, Z Liu, EJ Buskey PloS one 8 (10), e74476, 2013 | 151 | 2013 |
The decline and recovery of a persistent Texas brown tide algal bloom in the Laguna Madre (Texas, USA) EJ Buskey, H Liu, C Collumb, JGF Bersano Estuaries 24, 337-346, 2001 | 144 | 2001 |
Behavioral components of feeding selectivity of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Protoperidinium pellucidum EJ Buskey Marine Ecology Progress Series 153, 77-89, 1997 | 142 | 1997 |
Ingestion and sublethal effects of physically and chemically dispersed crude oil on marine planktonic copepods R Almeda, S Baca, C Hyatt, EJ Buskey Ecotoxicology 23, 988-1003, 2014 | 134 | 2014 |
Feeding, growth, and behavior of the thecate heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oblea rotunda SL Strom, EJ Buskey Limnology and Oceanography 38 (5), 965-977, 1993 | 127 | 1993 |
Annual pattern of micro-and mesozooplankton abundance and biomass in a subtropical estuary EJ Buskey Journal of Plankton Research 15 (8), 907-924, 1993 | 126 | 1993 |
Growth and bioluminescence of Noctiluca scintillans on varying algal diets EJ Buskey Journal of Plankton Research 17 (1), 29-40, 1995 | 120 | 1995 |
Effects of a persistent" brown tide" on zooplankton populations in the Laguna Madre of south Texas E Buskey Toxic phytoplankton blooms in the sea, 659-666, 1993 | 119 | 1993 |
Impact of oil spills on marine life in the Gulf of Mexico: effects on plankton, nekton, and deep-sea benthos EJ Buskey, HK White, AJ Esbaugh Oceanography 29 (3), 174-181, 2016 | 117 | 2016 |