Juan-Carlos Cobos-Torres
Juan-Carlos Cobos-Torres
Profesor-Investigador, Subdirección de Posgrados, Universidad Católica de Cuenca
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Cited by
Non-contact, simple neonatal monitoring by photoplethysmography
JC Cobos-Torres, M Abderrahim, J Martínez-Orgado
Sensors 18 (12), 4362, 2018
Hearing loss and its association with clinical practice at dental university students through mobile APP: a longitudinal study
JC Cobos-Torres, R Ramos, JC Ortega Castro, MF Ortega Lopez
Conference on Information Technologies and Communication of Ecuador, 3-17, 2019
Integración de un Chatbot como habilidad de un Robot Social con gestor de diálogos
JC Cobos Torres
ESPAÑA/Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática-Universidad Carlos …, 2013
Integración de un chatbot como habilidad de un robot social con gestor de diálogos
J Cobos, J Fernández, F Martin
Educación Superior. Recuperado de: http://repositorio. educacionsuperior …, 2013
Simple measurement of pulse oximetry using a standard color camera
JC Cobos-Torres, M Abderrahim
2017 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal …, 2017
Urban heat island mitigation through planned simulation
PE Vásquez-Álvarez, C Flores-Vázquez, JC Cobos-Torres, ...
Sustainability 14 (14), 8612, 2022
Measuring heart and breath rates by image photoplethysmography using wavelets technique
JCC Torres, M Abderrahim
IEEE Latin America Transactions 15 (10), 1864-1868, 2017
Role of nitric oxide in isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction
VC de Sánchez, L Yañez-Maldonado, S Vidrio-Gómez, L Martínez, ...
Cardiotoxicity of oncologic treatments, 2012
Organic constructions and airplane type hostels in isolated places supplied with solar energy
D Icaza, C Flores-Vázquez, JC Cobos-Torres, SP Galindo
International Conference on Applied Technologies, 231-243, 2019
Evaluación de la degradación de materia orgánica mediante técnicas de visión artificial y sensores
HR Reyes Ordoñez, JI Ortiz Torres
Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019
Electromobility with Photovoltaic Generation in an Andean City
BP Lojano-Riera, C Flores-Vázquez, JC Cobos-Torres, D Vallejo-Ramírez, ...
Energies 16 (15), 5625, 2023
Clasificación y conteo vehícular mediante análisis de imágenes.
JF Segarra-López, JC Cobos-Torres
MQRInvestigar 6 (4), 313-334, 2022
Developing a socially-aware robot assistant for delivery tasks
C Flores-Vázquez, CA Bahon, D Icaza, JC Cobos-Torres
International Conference on Applied Technologies, 531-545, 2019
Charge Equalization System for an Electric Vehicle with a Solar Panel
DA Angamarca-Avendaño, JF Saquicela-Moncayo, BH Capa-Carrillo, ...
Energies 16 (8), 3360, 2023
Photovoltaic Generation Potential for Vehicles with Solar Panels
RJ Machuca-Ordoñez, C Flores-Vázquez, JC Cobos-Torres, ...
International Conference of Technological Research, 180-194, 2021
Problem-based learning for an electrical machines course
JC Cobos-Torres, PA Reyes, CF Mendez
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15 (22 …, 2020
Beneficial Microorganisms in the Anaerobic Digestion of Cattle and Swine Excreta
PS Vidal-Espinosa, M Alvarez-Vera, A Cárdenas, JC Cobos-Torres
Sustainability 15 (8), 6482, 2023
Proyecto académico de electromovilidad neta cero para docentes de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca, a través de ABP
EA Sotamba-Chimbo, JC Cobos-Torres, PA Buestán-Andrade, ...
Conrado 19 (91), 109-124, 2023
Ionization Air Purifying Lattice Prototype
MA Atancuri, JC Cobos-Torres
Buildings 13 (3), 634, 2023
Remote operation of CeCi social robot
E Barbecho-Jimbo, D Vallejo-Ramírez, JC Cobos-Torres, C Angulo, ...
Robotics 12 (1), 19, 2023
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Articles 1–20