RL van Dam
RL van Dam
Southern Geoscience Consultants
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Cited by
Mississippi Delta subsidence primarily caused by compaction of Holocene strata
TE Törnqvist, DJ Wallace, JEA Storms, J Wallinga, RL Van Dam, ...
Nature Geoscience 1 (3), 173-176, 2008
Identifying causes of ground‐penetrating radar reflections using time‐domain reflectometry and sedimentological analyses
RL Van Dam, W Schlager
Sedimentology 47 (2), 435-449, 2000
A revised chronology for Mississippi River subdeltas
TE Törnqvist, TR Kidder, WJ Autin, K van der Borg, AFM de Jong, ...
Science 273 (5282), 1693-1696, 1996
Landform characterization using geophysics—Recent advances, applications, and emerging tools
RL Van Dam
Geomorphology 137 (1), 57-73, 2012
Subsurface imaging of vegetation, climate, and root‐zone moisture interactions
DH Jayawickreme, RL Van Dam, DW Hyndman
Geophysical research letters 35 (18), 2008
Iron oxides as a cause of GPR reflections
RLV Dam, W Schlager, MJ Dekkers, JA Huisman
Geophysics 67 (2), 536-545, 2002
Natural free convection in porous media: First field documentation in groundwater
RL Van Dam, CT Simmons, DW Hyndman, WW Wood
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (11), 2009
Methods for prediction of soil dielectric properties: a review
RL Van Dam, B Borchers, JMH Hendrickx
Detection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets X 5794 …, 2005
Hydrological consequences of land-cover change: Quantifying the influence of plants on soil moisture with time-lapse electrical resistivity
DH Jayawickreme, RL Van Dam, DW Hyndman
Geophysics 75 (4), WA43-WA50, 2010
Early‐Time GPR: A method to monitor spatial variations in soil water content during irrigation in clay soils
J Algeo, RL Van Dam, L Slater
Vadose Zone Journal 15 (11), 1-9, 2016
Causes of ground-penetrading radar reflections in sediment
RL van Dam
Influence of organic matter in soils on radar-wave reflection: Sedimentological implications
RL van Dam, EH van den Berg, S van Heteren, C Kasse, JAM Kenter, ...
Journal of sedimentary research 72 (3), 341-352, 2002
Worldwide distribution of soil dielectric and thermal properties
JMH Hendrickx, RL Van Dam, B Borchers, JO Curtis, HA Lensen, ...
Detection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets VIII …, 2003
Combined geophysical measurements provide evidence for unfrozen water in permafrost in the Adventdalen valley in Svalbard
K Keating, A Binley, V Bense, RL Van Dam, HH Christiansen
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (15), 7606-7614, 2018
Duration of deposition from decelerating high-density turbidity currents
JH Baas, RL Van Dam, JEA Storms
Sedimentary Geology 136 (1-2), 71-88, 2000
The Usumacinta-Grijalva beach-ridge plain in southern Mexico: a high-resolution archive of river discharge and precipitation
K Nooren, WZ Hoek, T Winkels, A Huizinga, H Van der Plicht, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions 2017, 1-44, 2017
Predicting flow and transport in highly heterogeneous alluvial aquifers
M Dogan, RL Van Dam, G Liu, MM Meerschaert, JJ Butler Jr, GC Bohling, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (21), 7560-7565, 2014
Strength of landmine signatures under different soil conditions: implications for sensor fusion
RL Van Dam*, B Borchers, JMH Hendrickx
International Journal of Systems Science 36 (9), 573-588, 2005
Hydraulic conductivity fields: Gaussian or not?
MM Meerschaert, M Dogan, RL Van Dam, DW Hyndman, DA Benson
Water resources research 49 (8), 4730-4737, 2013
Hydrostratigraphic analysis of the MADE site with full‐resolution GPR and direct‐push hydraulic profiling
M Dogan, RL Van Dam, GC Bohling, JJ Butler Jr, DW Hyndman
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (6), 2011
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