BFA Basnayake
BFA Basnayake
Emeritus Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of
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Pretreatment of municipal solid waste prior to landfilling
T Norbu, C Visvanathan, B Basnayake
Waste management 25 (10), 997-1003, 2005
Fate and transport of pollutants through a municipal solid waste landfill leachate in Sri Lanka
S Wijesekara, SS Mayakaduwa, AR Siriwardana, N De Silva, ...
Environmental earth sciences 72, 1707-1719, 2014
Municipal solid waste management in Asia
C Visvanathan, J Trankler, K Joseph, C Chiemchaisri, BFA Basnayake, ...
Asian regional research program on environmental technology (ARRPET). Asian …, 2004
New applications of ‘Hess Law’and comparisons with models for determining calorific values of municipal solid wastes in the Sri Lankan context
SNM Menikpura, BFA Basnayake
Renewable energy 34 (6), 1587-1594, 2009
Seasonal variations in leachate characteristics from municipal solid waste dumpsites in India and Srilanka
S Esakku, OP Karthikeyan, K Joseph, R Nagendran, K Palanivelu, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste …, 2007
Influence of biological pre-treatment of municipal solid waste on landfill behaviour in Sri Lanka
EGW Gunawardana, BFA Basnayake, S Shimada, T Iwata
Waste Management & Research 27 (5), 456-462, 2009
Solid waste management in Sri Lanka
BFA Basnayake, C Visvanathan
Municipal solid waste management in Asia and the Pacific Islands: Challenges …, 2014
Concerted initiative for planned management of municipal solid waste in target provinces in Sri Lanka
BFA Basnayake, S Popuri, C Visvanathan, A Jayatilake, I Weerasoori, ...
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 21, 691-704, 2019
Asian regional research programme on sustainable solid waste landfill management in Asia
C Visvanathan, J Tränkler, P Kuruparan, BFA Basnayake, C Chiemchaisri, ...
Proceeding Sardinia, 2005
Organic-coated nanoparticulate zero valent iron for remediation of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and dissolved metals from tropical landfill leachate
S Wijesekara, BFA Basnayake, M Vithanage
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 7075-7087, 2014
Characterizing volatile organic compounds in leachate from Gohagoda municipal solid waste dumpsite, Sri Lanka
P Kumarathilaka, Y Jayawardhana, BFA Basnayake, MIM Mowjood, ...
Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2, 1-6, 2016
Consumption, solid waste generation and water pollution in Pinga Oya catchment area
MTM Mahees, C Sigayoganathan, BFA Basnayake
Tropical Agricultural Research 22 (3), 2011
Wastelands-clearing up after the tsunami in Sri Lanka and Thailand
BFA Basnayake, C Chiemchaisri, C Visvanathan
Waste Management World, 31, 2006
Solid wastes arise from the Asian tsunami disaster and their rehabilitation activities: case study of affected coastal belts in Sri Lanka and Thailand
BFA Basnayake, C Chiemchaisri, MIM Mowjood
Tenth international waste management and landfill symposium, Sardinia, 3-7, 2005
Effects of purification process on rheological properties of catfish oil
S Sathivel, W Prinyawiwatkul, II Negulescu, JM King, BFA Basnayake
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 80 (8), 829-832, 2003
Thermal degradation of FA and catfish and menhaden oils at different refining steps
S Sathivel, W Prinyawiwatkul, II Negulescu, JM King, BFA Basnayake
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 80 (11), 1131-1134, 2003
Effects of rice husk biochar coated urea and anaerobically digested rice straw compost on the soil fertility, and cyclic effect of phosphorus
A Gamage, B Basnayake, J De Costa, O Merah
Plants 11 (1), 75, 2021
Environmental conservation efforts in developing textile waste incorporated cement blocks
IH Jayasinghe, BFA Basnayake, KSP Amarathunga, PBR Dissanayake
Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya: Peradeniya, 2010
Regional networking for sustainable landfill management in Asia
K Joseph, C Viswanathan, J Trakler, BFA Basnayake, GM Zhou
proceedings of the sustainable landfill management workshop, 3-5, 2003
Leachate plume delineation and lithologic profiling using surface resistivity in an open municipal solid waste dumpsite, Sri Lanka
HR Wijesekara, SN De Silva, DTDS Wijesundara, BFA Basnayake, ...
Environmental technology 36 (23), 2936-2943, 2015
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Articles 1–20