A team production theory of corporate law MM Blair, LA Stout Virginia Law Review, 247-328, 1999 | 3377* | 1999 |
Ownership and control: Rethinking corporate governance for the twenty-first century MM Blair Brookings, 1995 | 2936 | 1995 |
Ownership and control: Rethinking corporate governance for the twenty-first century MM Blair Brookings Institute, 1995 | 2931 | 1995 |
Trust, trustworthiness, and the behavioral foundations of corporate law MM Blair, LA Stout University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 1735-1810, 2001 | 893 | 2001 |
Unseen wealth M Blair, S Wallman Brookings Institution, Washington DC, 2001 | 598* | 2001 |
Locking in capital: What corporate law achieved for business organizers in the nineteenth century MM Blair UCLA Law Review 51 (2), 387-455, 2003 | 582 | 2003 |
Director accountability and the mediating role of the corporate board MM Blair, LA Stout Wash. ULQ 79, 403, 2001 | 522 | 2001 |
Is employee ownership an unstable form? Or a stabilizing force? M Blair, D Kruse, J Blasi The new relationship: Human capital in the American corporation, 281, 2000 | 493* | 2000 |
Unseen wealth: Report of the Brookings task force on intangibles MM Blair, SMH Wallman Brookings Institution Press, 2000 | 371 | 2000 |
Firm-specific human capital and theories of the firm MM Blair Employees and corporate governance 58, 290, 1999 | 301* | 1999 |
Employees and corporate governance MM Blair, MJ Roe Brookings Institution Press, 2010 | 272 | 2010 |
Codetermination and German securities markets MJ Roe, M Blair Employees and corporate governance, 194-205, 1999 | 245* | 1999 |
For whom should corporations be run?: An economic rationale for stakeholder management MM Blair Long range planning 31 (2), 195-200, 1998 | 243 | 1998 |
The new relationship: Human capital in the American corporation MM Blair, TA Kochan Brookings Institution Press, 2002 | 239 | 2002 |
Relational investing and firm performance S Bhagat, B Black, M Blair Journal of Financial Research 27 (1), 1-30, 2004 | 237 | 2004 |
Unseen wealth: Report of the Brookings task force on understanding intangible sources of value MM Blair, SMH Wallman | 225 | 2000 |
The Derivative Nature of Corporate Constitutional Rights MM Blair, E Pollman Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 56, 1673-1987, 2015 | 174 | 2015 |
Specific investment: Explaining anomalies in corporate law MM Blair, LA Stout J. Corp. L. 31, 719, 2005 | 169 | 2005 |
Corporate Personhood and the Corporate Persona MM Blair U. Ill. L. Rev., 785, 2013 | 158 | 2013 |
New Role for Assurance Services in Global Commerce, The MM Blair, CA Williams, LW Lin J. Corp. L. 33, 325, 2007 | 147 | 2007 |