Amine Abou Moughlbay
Cited by
Cited by
ROS-based online robot programming for remote education and training
GA Casan, E Cervera, AA Moughlbay, J Alemany, P Martinet
2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 6101-6106, 2015
Skill based robot programming: Assembly, vision and Workspace Monitoring skill interaction
H Herrero, A Abou Moughlbay, JL Outón, D Sallé, KL de Ipiña
Neurocomputing 255, 61-70, 2017
The robot programming network
E Cervera, P Martinet, R Marin, AA Moughlbay, AP Del Pobil, J Alemany, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 81, 77-95, 2016
Error regulation strategies for model based visual servoing tasks: Application to autonomous object grasping with nao robot
A Abou Moughlbay, E Cervera, P Martinet
2012 12th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision …, 2012
Model based visual servoing tasks with an autonomous humanoid robot
AA Moughlbay, E Cervera, P Martinet
Frontiers of Intelligent Autonomous Systems, 149-162, 2013
Real-time model based visual servoing tasks on a humanoid robot
AA Moughlbay, E Cervera, P Martinet
Intelligent Autonomous Systems 12: Volume 1 Proceedings of the 12th …, 2013
Comparative CFD investigation of upper room UVGI efficacy with three different ventilation systems
M Kanaan, A Abou Moughlbay
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 13 (21), 14897-14902, 2018
Reliable Workspace Monitoring in Safe Human-Robot Environment
A Abou Moughlbay, H Herrero, R Pacheco, JL Outón, D Sallé
International Joint Conference SOCO’16-CISIS’16-ICEUTE’16: San Sebastián …, 2016
Robotic Meat Cutting
P Long, AA Moughlbay, W Khalil, P Martinet
ICT-PAMM Workshop, Kumamoto, Japan, 2013
Contributions in task sequencing and redundancy resolution - Application to humanoid and multi-arm robots.
A Abou Moughlbay
Ecole Centrale de Nantes, IRCCyN Laboratory, 2013
Localization and navigation of an assistive humanoid robot in a smart environment
E Cervera, AA Moughlbay, P Martinet
IROS 2012 International Workshop on Assistance and Service Robotics in a …, 2012
Vision-based control of multi arms system
P Martinet, A Abou Moughlbay, P Long, W Khalil
Next generation of collaborative robots, French-Japanese Conference, Tokyo …, 2014
Control of Redundancy in complex systems: from theoretical concepts to applications”
P Martinet, AA Moughlbay, P Long
International Workshop on Wireless Communications and User centered Services …, 2013
Humanoid Robot Localization and Navigation in Domestic Environment using RGBD Sensor
A Abou Moughlbay, E Cervera, P Martinet
1st International Conference on Technology for Helping People with Special …, 2013
Control of Redundancy in complex systems: from theoretical concepts to applications
LP Martinet P., Abou Moughlbay A.
International Workshop on Wireless Communications and User centered Services …, 2013
Commande par vision d’un robot redondant multi bras: Manipulation à deux bras avec le HRP2
A Abou Moughlbay, P Martinet, N Mansard
5èmes Journées Nationales de la Robotique Humanoïde, 2010
Error Regulation Strategies for Model Based Visual Servoing Tasks
A Abou Moughlbay, E Cervera, P Martinet
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Articles 1–17