Jessie D. Golding
Jessie D. Golding
Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona
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Cited by
Using environmental DNA methods to improve winter surveys for rare carnivores: DNA from snow and improved noninvasive techniques
TW Franklin, KS McKelvey, JD Golding, DH Mason, JC Dysthe, KL Pilgrim, ...
Biological Conservation 229, 50-58, 2019
Songbird response to rest-rotation and season-long cattle grazing in a grassland sagebrush ecosystem
JD Golding, VJ Dreitz
Journal of environmental management 204, 605-612, 2017
Comparison of removal‐based methods for estimating abundance of five species of prairie songbirds
JD Golding, VJ Dreitz
Journal of Field Ornithology 87 (4), 417-426, 2016
A multispecies dependent double‐observer model: a new method for estimating multispecies abundance
JD Golding, JJ Nowak, VJ Dreitz
Ecology and evolution 7 (10), 3425-3435, 2017
Effective sampling area is a major driver of power to detect long‐term trends in multispecies occupancy monitoring
JM Tucker, KM Moriarty, MM Ellis, JD Golding
Ecosphere 12 (5), e03519, 2021
Dependent double‐observer method reduces false‐positive errors in auditory avian survey data
KM Strickfaden, DA Fagre, JD Golding, AH Harrington, KM Reintsma, ...
Ecological Applications 30 (2), e02026, 2020
A framework for evaluating the implications of assumptions in broad conservation strategies
H Specht, JD Golding, EM Pero, MT Crane, W Ortiz‐Calo, MC McDevitt, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 4 (8), e12758, 2022
Multispecies mesocarnivore monitoring: USDA forest service multiregional monitoring approach
JD Golding, MK Schwartz, KS McKelvey, JR Squires, SD Jackson, ...
Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-388. Fort Collins, CO: US, Department of …, 2018
Occupancy modeling and resampling overcomes low test sensitivity to produce accurate SARS-CoV-2 prevalence estimates
JS Sanderlin, JD Golding, T Wilcox, DH Mason, KS McKelvey, ...
BMC Public Health 21, 1-10, 2021
Assessing changes in avian communities
JD Golding
University of Montana, 2015
Assessing land use practices on the ecological characteristics of sagebrush ecosystems: Multiple migratory bird responses
VJ Dreitz, J Golding, A Harrington
Wildlife Biology Program and Avian Science Center, College of Forestry and …, 2015
Lessons for conservation from the mistakes of the COVID‐19 pandemic: The promise and peril of big data and new communication modalities
J Golding, H Chmura
Conservation Science and Practice 6 (3), e13090, 2024
Rethinking Rare: Novel Approaches to Rare Species Monitoring and Conservation
JD Golding
University of Montana, 2022
Ten lessons for rare wildlife species conservation when coming from a common species background
JD Golding, HMR Specht, JJ Millspaugh
Conservation Science and Practice 6 (8), e13182, 2024
Fishers (Pekania pennanti) are forest structure specialists when resting and generalists when moving: behavior influences resource selection in a northern Rocky …
LE Olson, JD Sauder, PA Fekety, JD Golding, CW Lewis, RB Sadak, ...
Movement Ecology 12 (1), 49, 2024
Building Robust Long-Term Conservation Monitoring With Design Thinking
J Golding, S Ishizaki
2023 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (ProComm), 209-213, 2023
Targeted efforts are more effective than combined approaches for sampling two rare carnivores
JD Golding, CR Davis, L Lamar, S Tomson, C Lewis, K Pilgrim, M Ruby, ...
Wildlife Society Bulletin 46 (4), e1334, 2022
Improving Population Monitoring of Wolverines by Integrating Noninvasive Genetic Monitoring and Remote Camera Trapping
N Bealer, K Paul, J Golding, K Pilgrim, M Hebblewhite, KS McKelvey
Effort and Trade-Offs for Effective Multispecies Carnivore Monitoring
JM Tucker, KM Moriarty, ME Ellis, JD Golding
American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference, 2019
Goal Efficient Monitoring: A Novel Approach for Monitoring Rare Species
JD Golding, KS McKelvey, SD Jackson, JJ Millspaugh, MK Schwartz
American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference, 2019
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Articles 1–20