David J. Welch
David J. Welch
C2O Fisheries & James Cook University
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Cited by
Approximate Bayesian computation scheme for parameter inference and model selection in dynamical systems
T Toni, D Welch, N Strelkowa, A Ipsen, MPH Stumpf
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 6 (31), 187-202, 2009
Challenges and priorities in shark and ray conservation
NK Dulvy, CA Simpfendorfer, LNK Davidson, SV Fordham, A Bräutigam, ...
Current Biology 27 (11), R565-R572, 2017
Ocean's eleven: a critical evaluation of the role of population, evolutionary and molecular genetics in the management of wild fisheries
JR Ovenden, O Berry, DJ Welch, RC Buckworth, CM Dichmont
Fish and Fisheries 16 (1), 125-159, 2015
Slow growth and lack of recovery in overfished holothurians on the Great Barrier Reef: evidence from DNA fingerprints and repeated large‐scale surveys
S Uthicke, D Welch, JAH Benzie
Conservation Biology 18 (5), 1395-1404, 2004
Marine fisheries management in a changing climate: a review of vulnerability and future options
JE Johnson, DJ Welch
Reviews in Fisheries Science 18 (1), 106-124, 2009
Effects of fishing on tropical reef associated shark populations on the Great Barrier Reef
MR Heupel, AJ Williams, DJ Welch, A Ballagh, BD Mapstone, G Carlos, ...
Fisheries Research 95 (2-3), 350-361, 2009
Evaluating catch and mitigating risk in a multispecies, tropical, inshore shark fishery within the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area
AV Harry, AJ Tobin, CA Simpfendorfer, DJ Welch, A Mapleston, J White, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 62 (6), 710-721, 2011
What should protected areas managers do in the face of climate change?
D Welch
The George Wright Forum 22 (1), 75-93, 2005
Detection of interspecies hybridisation in Chondrichthyes: hybrids and hybrid offspring between Australian (Carcharhinus tilstoni) and common (C. limbatus) blacktip shark found …
JAT Morgan, AV Harry, DJ Welch, R Street, J White, PT Geraghty, ...
Conservation Genetics 13, 455-463, 2012
Key aspects of the biology, fisheries and management of Coral grouper
AJ Frisch, DS Cameron, MS Pratchett, DH Williamson, AJ Williams, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 26, 303-325, 2016
Adaptive management of fisheries in response to climate change: FAO fisheries and aquaculture technical paper No. 667
T Bahri, M Vasconcellos, DJ Welch, J Johnson, RI Perry, X Ma, R Sharma
Food & Agriculture Org., 2021
Assessing and reducing vulnerability to climate change: Moving from theory to practical decision-support
JE Johnson, DJ Welch, JA Maynard, JD Bell, G Pecl, J Robins, ...
Marine Policy 74, 220-229, 2016
Stock structure of blue threadfin Eleutheronema tetradactylum across northern Australia, as indicated by parasites
BR Moore, J Stapley, Q Allsop, SJ Newman, A Ballagh, DJ Welch, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 78 (3), 923-936, 2011
Negligible evidence for regional genetic population structure for two shark species Rhizoprionodon acutus (Rüppell, 1837) and Sphyrna lewini (Griffith & Smith …
JR Ovenden, JAT Morgan, R Street, A Tobin, C Simpfendorfer, W Macbeth, ...
Marine Biology 158, 1497-1509, 2011
Limited ecological population connectivity suggests low demands on self‐recruitment in a tropical inshore marine fish (Eleutheronema tetradactylum: Polynemidae)
JB Horne, P Momigliano, DJ Welch, SJ Newman, L Van Herwerden
Molecular Ecology 20 (11), 2291-2306, 2011
An improved technique for estimating short-term survival of released line-caught fish, and an application comparing barotrauma-relief methods in red emperor (Lutjanus sebae …
I Brown, W Sumpton, M McLennan, D Mayer, M Campbell, J Kirkwood, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 385 (1-2), 1-7, 2010
Assessing the effects of line capture and barotrauma relief procedures on post‐release survival of key tropical reef fish species in Australia using recreational tagging clubs
WD Sumpton, IW Brown, DG Mayer, MF McLennan, A Mapleston, ...
Fisheries Management and Ecology 17 (1), 77-88, 2010
Global priorities for conserving sharks and rays: A 2015-2025 strategy
A Bräutigam, M Callow, IR Campbell
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2016
Comparative biology of tropical Lethrinus species (Lethrinidae): challenges for multi‐species management
LM Currey, AJ Williams, BD Mapstone, CR Davies, G Carlos, DJ Welch, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 82 (3), 764-788, 2013
Adapting to change: minimising uncertainty about the effects of rapidly-changing environmental conditions on the Queensland Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery
A Tobin, A Schlaff, R Tobin, A Penny, A Ayling, B Krause, D Welch, ...
Fishing and Fisheries Research Centre, James Cook University, 2010
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Articles 1–20