Ranae Dietzel
Ranae Dietzel
Agronomy Data Scientist, Syngenta
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Cited by
Plant litter quality affects the accumulation rate, composition, and stability of mineral-associated soil organic matter
SC Córdova, DC Olk, RN Dietzel, KE Mueller, SV Archontouilis, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 125, 115-124, 2018
Modeling long-term corn yield response to nitrogen rate and crop rotation
LA Puntel, JE Sawyer, DW Barker, R Dietzel, H Poffenbarger, ...
Frontiers in plant science 7, 1630, 2016
Rye cover crop effects on maize: A system-level analysis
RA Martinez-Feria, R Dietzel, M Liebman, MJ Helmers, SV Archontoulis
Field Crops Research 196, 145-159, 2016
Predicting crop yields and soil‐plant nitrogen dynamics in the US Corn Belt
SV Archontoulis, MJ Castellano, MA Licht, V Nichols, M Baum, I Huber, ...
Crop Science 60 (2), 721-738, 2020
How efficiently do corn‐and soybean‐based cropping systems use water? A systems modeling analysis
R Dietzel, M Liebman, R Ewing, M Helmers, R Horton, M Jarchow, ...
Global change biology 22 (2), 666-681, 2016
Linking crop-and soil-based approaches to evaluate system nitrogen-use efficiency and tradeoffs
RA Martinez-Feria, MJ Castellano, RN Dietzel, MJ Helmers, M Liebman, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 256, 131-143, 2018
Maize and soybean root front velocity and maximum depth in Iowa, USA
RA Ordóñez, MJ Castellano, JL Hatfield, MJ Helmers, MA Licht, ...
Field Crops Research 215, 122-131, 2018
Soybean nitrogen fixation dynamics in Iowa, USA
SC Córdova, MJ Castellano, R Dietzel, MA Licht, K Togliatti, ...
Field Crops Research 236, 165-176, 2019
How does inclusion of weather forecasting impact in-season crop model predictions?
K Togliatti, SV Archontoulis, R Dietzel, L Puntel, A VanLoocke
Field Crops Research 214, 261-272, 2017
A deeper look at the relationship between root carbon pools and the vertical distribution of the soil carbon pool
R Dietzel, M Liebman, S Archontoulis
Soil 3 (3), 139-152, 2017
Trade‐offs among agronomic, energetic, and environmental performance characteristics of corn and prairie bioenergy cropping systems
ME Jarchow, M Liebman, S Dhungel, R Dietzel, D Sundberg, RP Anex, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 7 (1), 57-71, 2015
Estimate soil moisture of maize by combining support vector machine and chaotic whale optimization algorithm
B He, B Jia, Y Zhao, X Wang, M Wei, R Dietzel
Agricultural Water Management 267, 107618, 2022
Above‐and belowground growth, biomass, and nitrogen use in maize and reconstructed prairie cropping systems
R Dietzel, ME Jarchow, M Liebman
Crop Science 55 (2), 910-923, 2015
The influence of winter soil cover on spring nitrous oxide emissions from an agricultural soil
R Dietzel, D Wolfe, JE Thies
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (9), 1989-1991, 2011
The future of agriculture and society in Iowa: four scenarios
ME Jarchow, I Kubiszewski, GLD Larsen, G Zdorkowski, R Costanza, ...
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 10 (1), 76-92, 2012
A comparison of carbon storage potential in corn-and prairie-based agroecosystems
R Dietzel
Iowa State University, 2014
Maize and Prairie Root Contributions to Soil CO2 Emissions in the Field
V Nichols, F Miguez, T Sauer, R Dietzel
Crop Science 56 (5), 2791-2801, 2016
Above-and below-ground biomass production in corn and prairie bioenergy cropping systems
MZ Liebman, ME Jarchow, RN Dietzel, DN Sundberg
Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2013 (1), 2014
Understanding the 2016 yields and interactions between soils, crops, climate and management
S Archontoulis, M Licht, M Castellano, R Dietzel, A VanLoocke, ...
Proceedings of the 28th ICM conference, 13-17, 2016
Forecasting yields and in season crop water nitrogen needs using simulation models
S Archontoulis, R Dietzel, M Castellano, A VanLoocke, K Moore, L Puntel, ...
Proceedings of the 27th ICM conference, 2-3, 2015
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Articles 1–20