Catedrático, Genética, Universidad de Oviedo
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Marine litter as a vector for non-native species: what we need to know
S Rech, Y Borrell, E García-Vazquez
Marine Pollution Bulletin 113 (1-2), 40-43, 2016
DNA in a bottle—Rapid metabarcoding survey for early alerts of invasive species in ports
YJ Borrell, L Miralles, H Do Huu, K Mohammed-Geba, E Garcia-Vazquez
PloS one 12 (9), e0183347, 2017
DNA barcoding reveals a high level of mislabeling in Egyptian fish fillets
A Galal-Khallaf, A Ardura, K Mohammed-Geba, YJ Borrell, ...
Food control 46, 441-445, 2014
Bioremediation as a promising strategy for microplastics removal in wastewater treatment plants
P Masiá, D Sol, A Ardura, A Laca, YJ Borrell, E Dopico, A Laca, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 156, 111252, 2020
Anthropogenic marine litter composition in coastal areas may be a predictor of potentially invasive rafting fauna
S Rech, YJ Borrell Pichs, E García-Vazquez
PloS one 13 (1), e0191859, 2018
Correlations between fitness and heterozygosity at allozyme and microsatellite loci in the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.
YJ Borrell, H Pineda, I McCarthy, E Vazquez, JA Sanchez, GB Lizana
Heredity 92 (6), 585-593, 2004
Evaluating freshwater macroinvertebrates from eDNA metabarcoding: A river Nalón case study
S Fernández, S Rodríguez, JL Martínez, YJ Borrell, A Ardura, ...
PLoS One 13 (8), e0201741, 2018
Dispersal of alien invasive species on anthropogenic litter from European mariculture areas
S Rech, S Salmina, YJB Pichs, E García-Vazquez
Marine pollution bulletin 131, 10-16, 2018
Travelling light: Fouling biota on macroplastics arriving on beaches of remote Rapa Nui (Easter Island) in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre
S Rech, M Thiel, YJB Pichs, E García-Vazquez
Marine pollution bulletin 137, 119-128, 2018
Barcodes of marine invertebrates from north Iberian ports: Native diversity and resistance to biological invasions
L Miralles, A Ardura, A Arias, YJ Borrell, L Clusa, E Dopico, AH de Rojas, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 112 (1-2), 183-188, 2016
Effects of Echerichia coli lipopolysaccharides and dissolved ammonia on immune response in southern white shrimp Litopenaeus schmitti
T Rodríguez-Ramos, G Espinosa, J Hernández-López, T Gollas-Galván, ...
Aquaculture 274 (1), 118-125, 2008
Environmental DNA evidence of transfer of North Sea molluscs across tropical waters through ballast water
A Ardura, A Zaiko, JL Martinez, A Samuiloviene, Y Borrell, ...
Journal of Molluscan Studies 81 (4), 495-501, 2015
Mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite genetic differentiation in the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus L.
YJ Borrell, JA Pinera, JA Sánchez Prado, G Blanco
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69 (8), 1357-1371, 2012
Detecting nuisance species using NGST: Methodology shortcomings and possible application in ballast water monitoring
A Zaiko, JL Martinez, A Ardura, L Clusa, YJ Borrell, A Samuiloviene, ...
Marine Environmental Research 112, 64-72, 2015
On the way for detecting and quantifying elusive species in the sea: The Octopus vulgaris case study
Q Mauvisseau, M Parrondo, MP Fernández, L García, JL Martínez, ...
Fisheries research 191, 41-48, 2017
Applying microsatellites to the management of farmed turbot stocks (Scophthalmus maximus L.) in hatcheries
YJ Borrell, J Alvarez, E Vázquez, CF Pato, CM Tapia, JA Sánchez, ...
Aquaculture 241 (1-4), 133-150, 2004
DNA barcoding for assessment of exotic molluscs associated with maritime ports in northern Iberia
I Pejovic, A Ardura, L Miralles, A Arias, YJ Borrell, E Garcia-Vazquez
Marine Biology Research 12 (2), 168-176, 2016
Novel tools for early detection of a global aquatic invasive, the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha
A Ardura, A Zaiko, YJ Borrell, A Samulioviene, E Garcia-Vazquez
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2016
Development of the first standardised panel of two new microsatellite multiplex PCRs for gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.)
I Lee‐Montero, A Navarro, Y Borrell, M García‐Celdrán, N Martín, ...
Animal Genetics 44 (5), 533-546, 2013
Genetic parameters and genotype–environment interactions for skeleton deformities and growth traits at different ages on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) in …
I Lee‐Montero, A Navarro, D Negrín‐Báez, MJ Zamorano, C Berbel, ...
Animal genetics 46 (2), 164-174, 2015
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Articles 1–20